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"ooo ice cream!"arabella pointed, her finger tapping the gas. she was pointing to a neon sign advertising ice cream with a giant neon pink ice cream cone on top of a little building. from here she could see only a small line, but it soon the whole place became distant.

she turned to harry who was still driving, did he ignore her or didn't hear her?

"pleaseee," arabella begged earning a glance from harry, she jutted her bottom lip out hoping it would win him over. it did. 

he sighed and after making sure there were no cars did a u-ey arabella's body  leaning  into the side of her door. she saw a small smile on his face as he did so.   straightening up as the car made his way back she smiled.

" ice cream!" arabella cheered as they pulled into the parking lot.  parked they both climbed meeting at the tailgate to walk together to the window. there was no line at the moment but arabella looked over the list  of ice creams and couldn't decide.

" i think i'm gonna get the french vanilla," harry informed her. 

arabella snorted at his choice,"boring." 

"is not," harry protested, behind her . arabella ignored the bait deciding on getting the mint chocolate chip.

"i'm gonna get the mint chocolate chip," arabella turned saying to him. 

harry raised a brow motioning for her to tell the guy behind the counter her order first with his hand.

"i would like a small mint chocolate chip ice cream please," arabella said about to shuffle to the side for harry's to order.

instead the ice cream guy paused, "uh we ran out of that, would you like something else?"  he glanced at harry as did arabella who  noticed his clenched his jaw.

arabella saw what was coming stupid boys with their egos, opened her mouth to speak when harry decided to.

"how the h.ell do you not have mint chocolate chip?" harry questioned in disbelief laced with anger. 

the guy behind the counter puffed up his chest a bit making arabella sigh. 

"i'm going to go to the truck," she patted harry's tense arm continuing in a soft voice "don't do something stupid, 'kay?" 

harry gave her the slightest nod with that arabella headed to the truck. she didn't want to see boys be stupid over ice cream, although it was weird they were out of a popular flavor and didn't notify people.

she passed a couple sucking faces, cringing because they seriously looked like they were mauling each other. with their faces.

reaching the truck she struggled with getting the tailgate down for a minute until the latch unstuck and it came down. 

jumping up there she swung her feet watching as harry was making his way back to  her with two towering ice cream cones.

meeting her with a happy face with  only a hit of annoyance handed her a two scoop ice cream cone smelling of french vanilla.

" french vanilla?" she asked. harry nodded with a smirk.

"so you could see it's not boring," he says licking his own. 

she had to give him clever points, eating her own. 

"plus, i scored them for free" harry added grinning.

arabella paused waiting for his explanation why. harry licked his ice cream once more then explained "i told him i know people."

"harry! you can't just go around saying that to people!" arabella exclaimed. 

harry shrugged, arabella just shook her head. free ice cream was great even if it was for the wrong reasons. that sounded so bad.

harry leaned against the tailgate beside her eating their ice creams. 

"thanks for the ice cream," thanks for giving the guy he.ll she thought.  harry nodded getting ice cream on his nose. 

arabella laughed, as harry  wiped it off his nose with his finger.

after what seemed like forever in a now comfortable silence they finished their ice cream and climbed back in the truck.

 in the truck on the way home arabella had rolled down her window loving the wind hitting her face.  her and harry made small talk about whether or not the record store downtown should have closed down and their plans after school. 

his eyes would drift to her occasionally but always returned back to the road.

"i'm getting out of this town," harry answered when arabella asked. 

"to where?" arabella asked eagerly. she had a slight sinking feeling at the thought of harry not being next door anymore but she pushed the insignificant feeling aside.

"anywhere but here." his words kinda stung as if she wasn't enough to make him stay, but she didn't know what she  even wanted to do after school. they weren't even anything.

"what about you though?" he asked curiously. 

arabella stretched  slouching in her seat putting her feet on the dashboard. she wanted to avoid the question because it was so lame that she didn't know what she wanted to do after school.

"uh, i don't know" she admitted with a breathy laugh. 

harry must have noticed her discomfort his hand finding her knee giving it a pat.

"it's okay to not have a plan," harry reassured returning his hand to the wheel.

her knee felt cool where his hand had been just like the terrible feeling of not knowing what she was doing after school. that not knowing was not enough. 

harry pulled into her drive way  getting out to walk arabella to the door. arabella loved  the gesture, at the door harry tapped his fingers against his thigh.

"thank you for tonight," arabella told him. 

she was, she also hoped her lipstick was still intact.

"of course, it'll be more exciting next time" harry promised, arabella's spirited lifted at promise of a next time.

with a burst of confidence she leaned over brushing her lips on his cheek, " goodnight harry." 

satisfied with the lipstick imprint on his cheek and the shocked expression on his face she stepped inside.

she hoped  had she left an impression.

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