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arabella woke up in a empty bed, now feeling the coldness of it with the absence of harry. she frowned at his disappearance, but could smell pancakes? arabella smiled at the thought he didn't in fact leave and pulled on her robe.

downstairs she saw the empty chinese boxes they left last night had been picked up, the couch tidied. entering the kitchen she got to see harry shirtless in front of the stove trying to cook what looked like french toast.

she leaned against the frame of the doorway, watching as he cooked with amusement as he searched the cupboards for plates frantically.

"top left," arabella informed pointing.

harry spun around with a rosiness in his cheeks, " uh thank you, i didn't know you were up." he scratched the back of his neck then remembering he was on a quest for plates.

finding them he pulled out two setting them on the counter quickly transferring the french toast from the pan to the plate. "i was going to let you have the breakfast in bed experience this morning," harry confessed continuing to work as he stacked french toast upon french toast on the plates.

arabella warmed at the thought of him going through the trouble of making her breakfast in bed. she snuck up from behind him looping her arms around his waist pressing her cheek to his muscle tone back.

"the bed was cold this morning, i was worried you left," arabella confessed herself.

harry snorted," as if! i've been slaving away down here for you," he gestured to the plates of the french toast with his spatula.

arabella retracted her arms pointing to the other plate of french toast," just me?" she teased.

harry grinned,"oops."

arabella rolled her eyes grabbing one of the plates setting it on the breakfast bar opening the fridge to grab the syrup.

syrup in hand she sat one of stools pouring the syrup over everything. realizing she forgot a fork she inquired for harry to get her one.

harry got them each one after arabella told him where they were kept. taking the seat next to her he too slathered his french toast in syrup. they ate their french toast in a comfortable silence depositing their dirty dishes in the sink to be washed later.

afterwords, harry led her back to the living room where everything last night exploded. after two near perfect weeks it fell apart. now it felt like they had or were restarting.

harry must have been thinking about last night too, because he pulled her into a hug. when her face met his bare chest she wanted to cry. she was sick of messing up, wanted things to just be good between them.

"i don't want to fight with you," harry stated what she was thinking. his arms tightening around her making her feel secure," unless it's over whether or not to where a certain pair of shoes because i'll know they will hurt your feet later."

this made her laugh, knowing he is referring to their last date where arabella wore heels and regretted it. she didn't think harry noticed. after a moment she pulled away a bit to be able to see his face.

"why don't you have a shirt on?" she asked.

harry grinned a mischievously shrugging, " it got hot."

arabella pulled away scoffing, "yeah, okay harry."

"what?" harry protested obviously trying hard not to laugh.

arabella rolled her eyes glancing at the clock on the wall not believing the time.

"holy s.hit it's noon already," arabella exclaimed.

"f.uck." harry muttered behind her hastily walking to the front door where his boots laid. arabella turned confused at his behavior.

"what's wrong?" she questioned watching as he struggled to quickly get his boots on.

"i got to get home, my dad's gonna be pisse.d" he explained getting his boots on fully.

he paused for a moment at arabella's look of worry on her face. she was worried, about the consequences harry might have to face when he gets home. his posture softened and he strode over to her.

"i'll be okay, i'll text you or something or later," harry reassured kissing her forehead before he walked out the door.

she felt like crap, especially as she recalled her telling harry he was like his father. she knew he wasn't and it was a s.hit thing to say even if she was angry at him. running her hands through her hair in frustration.

going to make her way to her bathroom to try to relax her nerves by taking a bath she heard a crinkle. looking down to see what it was to see it was a fortune cookie that harry missed this morning.

she bent over to pick it up, ripping the plastic open. using her fingers to crack the cookie eager to see what the paper said.

"You already know the answer to the questions lingering inside your head."


bedfellow | harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now