twenty one

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arabella stayed in the bathtub until her fingertips and toes started to prune, the bathwater once scalding hot now cold. arabella dressed in sweats and a old t shirt despite it being two in the afternoon.

her mom surprised her around three with a phone call letting her know how much she missed her and how she will try to be home next week. although arabella missed her mom she couldn't process really what she was saying.

all she could do at the moment was worry about harry. since she finished with her bath she drug herself to her room where she burrowed in bed to watch a movie as she awaited a text from harry.

the ringer on her phone was turned up all the way, and in her sight always just in case she didn't hear it somehow go off. halfway through the movie she still hadn't heard from harry, her worry growing tremendously.

she felt as if she couldn't breathe as she replayed the scene from earlier the look on his face when she realized what time it was.

It was a little after six when harry showed signs he was alive. a tap on the window resulted in arabella throwing her covers off and running to it knowing it was harry.

her heart beat in her chest at an unhealthy pace as she slid up the window gasping when she saw the purple forming on his left brow. a cut on his chin as long as her pinky bleeding.

she quickly moved to the side when she saw how frantic he was in his eyes and in his body language. inside she could see the shame on harry's face, making her want to scream.

"what happened?" arabella cried out with shaky fingers to touch his arm. she knew the answer, but she didn't want to believe it.

harry shifted his gaze to the floor, avoiding her eyes. arabella was furious at the fact that harry's father could stoop so low to the point of putting his hands on his own son.

"i don't know if it needs stitches," she hummed nervously looking at the cut. harry looked up at her words,"no stitches."

"what if it needs them harry?" arabella exasperated, she didn't know a lot about this kind of thing but the cut did looked bad.

harry shook his head, arabella's temper flaring for a moment diminishing it when she remembered the situation they were in.

"i've needed stitches before, i know that i don't need them now ara." his words let her know this couldn't have been the first time. taking one of his big hands in here interlacing his course but gentle fingers with hers.

she pulled him to her bathroom making him sit on the edge of the bathtub so she wouldn't have to reach up so high. in the medicine cabinet should rummaged around gathering band aids, hydrogen peroxide and a couple cotton balls.

wetting the cotton ball with the peroxide she spun around to harry. "ready?" she asked waiting for permission.

with a nod from harry she pressed the cotton ball as gently as she could to the cut. harry winced slightly at the contact muttering words that her mom wouldn't appreciate in her house.

"sorry!" arabella said as she moved the cotton ball to the rest of the cut. when finished with that she stared at the box of band aids pondering on what to do next.

would it be best to cover it up? or for it to get air?

"what are you thinking about?" harry questioned running his finger up the outside of her thigh.

arabella let out a frustrated sigh, she felt embarrassed that she didn't know what to do. her cheeks flamed pink telling herself to stop getting so worked up.

"I don't know if I should put a band aid on it," arabella admitted.

"now that wasn't so hard was it?" harry teased "it depends if you want blood on your pillow tonight."

arabella arched an eyebrow at harry's statement.

"staying the night?"

"i sure hope so," harry laughed trying to cover up the real reason why he was staying.

arabella could swear her heart skipped a beat at the thought of another night with harry if only it was under better circumstances. focusing on getting a band aid she pulled out two carefully putting them on the cut.

"all done!" she announced. harry stood up looking at himself in the mirror running his fingers lightly over the band aids.

" you did good, " he commented turning to face her " but you forgot one thing."

arabella face contorted in to one of confusion as she tried to think what she forgot. "to kiss it all better." harry answered.

arabella rolled her eyes after letting out a sigh of relief. if it was as simple as a kiss ' to make it all better' she would do it in a heartbeat. harry didn't deserve the wounds on his face, so she wanted to do anything to fix it especially since it was partly her fault.

she closed her eyes as kissed the band aids gently, not wanting to cause hurt. when she opened her eyes they were met with his, an emotion resting in them she couldn't quite place.

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