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that monday arabella trudged through the halls with dark circles under her eyes paired with her tired eyes and unbrushed hair. not even bothering to get dressed she arrived to school in her sweats along with an old sweatshirt.

she couldn't focus in class her mind drifting elsewhere, to somewhere better and far away from here. that night at home she locked herself in her room burying herself under the covers in bed crying herself to sleep. harry never showed up that night.

she didn't know how much more she could take. making it through school the next day that night she just wanted to forget. forget harry and how he obliterated her, the kiss, waking up beside him. she wanted to forget all of it just for awhile.

it was like an endless painful repeat in her head how despite his reassurances she was not enough for him. if she was, she was sure he wouldn't have left. she took the bottle of wine from the basement, bringing it to her room. eagerly she took opened it bringing it to her lips throwing her head back.

when the bottle was half full was when the tears started rolling down her cheeks again. anger and hurt boiled inside her, the wine not doing much help at all. she fumbled around for her phone and dialed harry's phone number she had acquired a long time ago.

she's never used it before than but she d.amn sure was gonna use it now.

she brought it to her ear as it rung and rung before she got his voicemail. she started crying harder.

"i'm sitting here wondering what i did wrong to deserve this kind of pain," she confessed choking back a sob. "wondering how a person could do this to another person" not being able to hold the sobbing.

she hung up, finished the bottle and went to bed.

the next day she woke up late for school with a terrible hangover. she decided to ditch today managing to climb out of bed to puke her guts out in the toilet. downing two asprin she went back to bed.

on the fourth day, she woke up and showered. walking out the door in a dress she decided she was better off without him. she regretted this decision when she walked through the front doors of the school seeing harry talk to another girl.

arabella froze in her tracks, not believing the fact he moved on so quickly. she thought that night everything would change for the better. she was so naive. turning on her heel she walked back out of the school.

she couldn't do it today, she changed her mind. she instead went in search of the old baseball field harry had taken her to before. she found it after awhile laying down on the grass in the middle of all the bases.

she lied there staring at the clouds in the sky watching as they changed colors until the stars came out. watching the stars she tried to piece together why she was feeling the way she was feeling now.

she was stupid to think that after everything that happened a couple days ago would mean anything. instead it all amounted to nothing, she got left in the dust again. he used her again. he told her that she shouldn't feel like an object.

she sure felt like one now. she felt used and sad. and that kiss sent her over the edge. it ignited the fire in her bones, as her lips worked against his tasting goodbye. she couldn't stop, she couldn't get enough of him.

it scared her in the moment how she felt so out of control. as if it was instinct to kiss him. she could no longer deny the feelings for him just to have him stomp on them a few moments later. arabella suspects that's why it hurts so bad.

she fell asleep there that night.

on the fifth day she walked home and took a long warm bath. she spent the rest of the night is losing herself into a novel until she could no longer keep her eyes open.

on the sixth day, she was angry. why did she allow him to do this to her and get away with it? jumping out of bed not bothering to change out of her pjs she stomped out of her house over to his.

she banged on that door till it was opened by harry. his face twisted in surprise as he took in her angry expression. she noticed the dark bags under his eyes silently satisfied.

"what the f.uck harry?" arabella shouted taking a step to him pushing his chest.

"i" he began arabella cutting him off by slapping him. his cheek turned bright red arabella hoped he would feel some of he pain she has been feeling for the past couple days.

"i deserved that" harry said gently touching his cheek.

"d.amn right you did" arabella spat. "moved on quickly enough huh!"

harry's face contorted of one of anger at her words, " what the f.uck are you talking about?"

" the brunette the other day, in the hallway !" arabella reminded him.

"she's just some girl ara! that's it! it doesn't matter anyways!" harry yelled annoyed.

" is that what i was to you too? just some girl ?" arabella asked.

" no! you aren't just some girl." harry yelled his jaw clenched.

"then why would you kiss me and leave me?" arabella asked on the verge of crying.

harry's face fell, the anger vanishing from it. arabella stood fumbling with her fingers concentrating on not crying.

" i want to keep you safe" harry muttered.

arabella stared at him confused. she was sure she wasn't in danger of anything.

"from what?" she asked.

"you wouldn't understand." harry said abruptly, shutting the door in arabella's face leaving her outside alone.

{another update}

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