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they arrived at a small beach in a little town. harry parked in the deserted parking lot, which was overgrown with all these weeds and wildflowers growing in the gravel. out of the truck she was greeted by the pale little blue wildflowers that brushed her knees.

she bent down to smell them, the smell as sweet as fresh sugar cookies. seeing as there were many around she allowed herself to pick one. bringing it to her nose again she stood up to see harry watching her from the front of the truck.

arabella walked over to him her feet crunching on the gravel making a loud noise sure to let anyone here know that they were there. 

the beach was a hundred feet away, and looked like there was nobody there. arabella looked up at harry quizzically mystified by the fact there was nobody at the beach even if it was october.

"it's not a real busy beach" he explains as they make their way over the grass to the beach. 

at the beach pieces of driftwood and broken beer bottles littered  the sand.  ashes of past bonfires were evident it becoming obvious this must have been a party spot of the locals.

she turned to harry to see he was frowning at the scene.

"it wasn't like this the last time i was here," harry swore. 

arabella was slightly let down at the fact they drove over an hour to get here to be met with this. the carelessness of others were displayed by the broken glass glittering on beach as the setting sun fell on it.

"c'mon" harry says leading the way around the broken glass to a clean spot he must have seen from where they were standing. arabella took a seat in the sand sitting so close to the ocean she could smell it.

she set the flower down next to her as she saw harry beginning to untie the laces of his shoes. arabella started doing the same, peeling off her socks rising back on her feet. both barefoot walked to where the water hit the shore letting it cover their feet.

arabella let out a shriek at how cold it was, harry turning to see what was the matter.

"it's cold," she commented as the wave came again her eyes closing. harry let out a laugh at her reaction, arabella opening her eyes to send a glare his way. 

she could feel a spray of cold water on her bare legs, registering the fact  harry had splashed her. 

"harry! it's cold," she protested kicking some water his way too. his skinny jeans were soaked knees below. harry held his hands up in surrender arabella grinned.

she returned her attention to the setting sun on the water, and how beautiful it looked on the water. she had never seen this before, the sun setting on the ocean while she was standing in it on a date with harry. she could have never imagined doing this with harry on a friday night. now look where they are.

"it's beautiful, i was hoping you would like it." harry says from beside her gazing out at the setting sun.

she was touched  that harry would think to bring her to witness something as beautiful as this. she looked at him looking at him watch the sun and wished she had a camera to capture what she was seeing.

he suddenly turned to her," i wish we had came earlier."

arabella frowned at the thought of leaving when they just arrived. she ignored his statement and waded in a little deeper so the water was up to  her calves. she stood with her hands resting on her hips watching as the sun sunk fully into the water.

"ara, let's go back to our shoes," harry said starting to head back.

arabella corrected harry in her mind that it's arabella, but decided to let it slide. she followed him back to the beach the sand clinging to her wet feet.  harry sat leaning against a big tree leaning a little away from her shoes. 

she raised her eyebrows confused to see his shoes still in the spot where he left them when he suggested to go back to them. she walked past them to harry who sat not to far away taking a seat beside him.

she let her head rest on his shoulder, watching as the day turned into night. 

"this was a lame idea" harry muttered.

"no it wasn't, what is a lame idea is the movies. it is pretty unorginal whereas this place has serious potential." arabella told him leaning into him a little more as if for emphasis.

there was a beat of silence, then the sound of harry's laughter surrounded them.

"you're right. the movies are pretty unoriginal," he chuckled. 

it was starting to get dark and they had to get back to their shoes so they could still put them on in the light. harry stood up lending a hand to arabella up. she shook it off and got  up herself. 

slipping on their shoes arabella grabbing her flower they manuevered their way around the driftwood and glass  to the truck.

climbing in the truck harry asked," are you now my girlfriend?" 

arabella laughed when she realized he was serious. 

"that would be too easy," arabella answered with smile. 

harry groaned  throwing his head back dramatically as he reveresed out of the parking lot and onto the road.

"you're killing me woman."

{ hey guys, another update! i hope you enjoyed. }

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