11. My First Time Being a Fan Girl

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I was exhausted when I woke up the next morning. I was relieved that it was Saturday otherwise I didn't know how I'd be able to go to school like this. The smell of bacon wafting up to my room had me dashing out of my room and down the stairs faster than I thought possible. I spun into the kitchen to find my parents already in there. My mom was standing at the stove, cooking the sizzling bacon and my dad was reading the newspaper, like usual, at the table.

"Good morning, honey. How was homecoming?" My mother asked, wiping her hands on her apron that had bright red apples all over it.

I threw my messy hair up in a bun. "It was awesome," I said. My dad folded the newspaper in front of him and shoved his thick glasses up the bridge of his nose, saying, "Our neighbor dropped off your shoes this morning. You should go over and thank him."

"Oh, I'll thank Uriah after-"

"It was Elijah," Mom said, cutting me off while placing a plate full of bacon on the table in front of me. I twisted to look at her and raised my eyebrows.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. Honestly, I had a hard time believing that Elijah actually went to find my shoes and then bring them over. I'd expected Uriah to do it, not his evil brother.

My mother nodded. "Why do you ask like that?"

"No reason," I shrugged. She gave me a weird look, but continued making breakfast. When I was done, I excused myself to go take a shower and get ready. When I was all set, I found myself standing on the porch of the Reed family with a plate of bacon that my mom had insisted I take. I felt like an idiot. Nevertheless, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

No one answered, so I knocked again. Again, no answer. I set the plate down on the porch and shoved my face right up against the window on their front door. When I saw someone coming, I leaped back and grabbed the plate. I had to juggle it for a few heart stopping moments before I got a good hold on it. The door whooshed open to display a very tired looking Elijah who was missing a shirt per usual, I might add.

"What are you doing here so early?" He asked, groggily wiping his eyes.

"Uh, it's like eleven in the morn-"


My hair was blown back from the force Elijah had used to slam the door on me. Why was he always slamming his door on me?

I knocked again. Elijah's hand snaked out, grabbed my wrist, and pulled me in his house. I tripped over the small step and sprawled out on his floor, spilling the plate of bacon all over his entranceway floor.

"Great. You just made me drop perfectly good bacon all over the-"

"Why are you here?" Elijah demanded, angrily. I climbed up to my feet, dusted my hands off on my clothes, and tucked my fly away hairs behind my ears.

"Is Uriah-"

"He's not home," he curtly interrupted me as he collapsed on the nearest couch in the living room.

I left the bacon on his floor and joined him in the living room. I walked right up to him to find his eyes closed.

He looked so much younger and nicer with his eyes shut. "Quit staring, Vanessa," he mumbled. I crossed my arms over my chest and said, "I wasn't."

It sounded lame even to my own ears. I sat down on the love seat couch next to Elijah's.

"Listen, I came over to thank whoever dropped my shoes off this morning. My mom said it was you, but I don't believe her so I came over to check with Uriah. Where is he anyway?" I asked, looking around the barren room that had little decorations and a few picture frames on the mantel of the fireplace.

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