46. My First Trip to Italy

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Two Months Later

Alright, so the wedding between Elijah and me?

Never happened.

Where was he now?


Who knew Elijah was Italian?

Not me.

Who was on a study abroad program in Italy?



I think not.

In case you couldn't follow those Q and A's, I'm here to explain.

Basically, my parents had practically murdered me when they found out that I had agreed to marry Elijah. I had tried to explain the reasoning behind it; the fact that if he didn't marry a United States citizen in fewer than ninety days, then he'd be sent back to Italy.

But they wouldn't hear it. And I'd gotten grounded for about a month, meaning I had to live at home for that amount of time and couldn't stay in the dorm.

Believe it or not, it was all worth it.

Because here I was, in Rome, Italy on a study abroad program. When I had found out that Elijah and his father were gone for good, I'd immediately looked into any jobs I could major in that involved the Italian culture.

I took Italian classes all throughout middle and high school, so I figured that I could survive a month in Italy and perhaps learn even more about the country. I was by no means fluent in the language, but I'd learned enough. I hoped.

Heck, maybe I'd teach English to Italian children and move to Italy.

I was getting too ahead of myself. It seemed a bit extreme to go through all of this for a boy, didn't it?

Well, let me tell you. Not until you're in my situation will you understand that you will do anything for the person you loved.

Yes, you heard that right. I loved Elijah Reed.

I'm sure you all have known that for quite some time even when I hadn't been able to admit it for a while.

Anyway, you know what they say; when in Rome, take a man to your home...

Nevermind, I don't think that's it. Forget I said anything.

Moving on, Elijah had told me before he left that he was actually going back to a small town in Rome. I forgot the name of it now, but I figured we couldn't be too far away from it.

That was around the time I saw a head of thick, midnight hair on the other side of the ginormous water fountain I was sitting on. I stood up, shoving the other students out of the way as I sprinted to the other side.

I couldn't believe it. He was here.

Elijah was here.

I blindly ran forward, impatiently pushing my classmates out of the way who had gathered around the fountain to take a break from walking, as well as tourists.

I threw myself at Elijah, wrapping my arms around in his neck in a choke hold as I squeezed the life out of him.

I honestly couldn't believe I found Elijah here. It was so unlikely that I couldn't be sure of it myself. Like for real; I had a better chance of meeting Andy Biersack than finding Elijah here.

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