12• Jenna

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Jenna in the media section ^^^
• 2:51 p.m •

While Joey was doing what Joey does Dee put me to work sending out Pro Era merch.

"Heyyyyyyy." A random dude popped out of the cut.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Issa. From The Underachievers."

"Cool." I turned back to my work. Don't know who the fuck he is but whatever.

He sat down next to me and smiled.

"Can I help you with anything Issa?" I rolled my eyes.

"Joey told me you were new."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I just wanna get to know you."

"My name is Nevaeh and your name is Issa." I said. "Is that it?"

He chuckled. "Aite, Imma let you do your thang. Talk to you later sexy." He winked and left.

"Ew bye."

"IT'S YA BOI KWONNNNNNN!!!" I heard Kwon yell.

"Oh god!" I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes. "What's going on Kwon?"

"Nothinggggg!" He smiled from ear to ear.

"Doesn't sound and look like nothing." I stopped what I was doing.

"I got a question." He said.

"Ask away."

"There's a party tonight. Wanna go?"

"A party?" I frowned and scratched my head.

"Yeah! It'll be fun. We can go shopping for your clothes right now." He said hopefully. "Oh and here's your phone. Joey told me to give it to you."

I took the phone. "It's an iPhone."

"Yeah, obviously."

"I could've took a android."

"Nah. Go ahead and set it up. You know how to do it right?"

"Yeah, I'm not slow."

"Sorry, just asking. After you're done setting your phone up let me know if you want to go to the party."

"But I have a whole bunch of merch to send out. Imma be here all day!"

"Ughhhhhh! You're so difficult. We'll get one of our guys to handle it. Dee has your pay check anyway so make sure you go to the bank. He deposited the money into your account."

"It's not even Friday."

"It's supposed to get you back on track."

"Alright. Thanks Kwon." Right after he left a girl came in.

"Hi." She said shyly. "I'm Jenna."

"Hey! Nevaeh! What's going on?" I said nicely.

"I'm just here to help out with the merch." She pulled a chair and sat down.

"No one told me about you but ok! How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Great. Thanks for asking."

"So you're the new girl right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking. You seem like a nice girl so I'm going to tell you this, Indigo is plotting against you."


"Yeah, she's just jealous of you because you're getting all the attention now. Indigo is my friend and all but just watch out. I'm not against you though."

"Umm. Sure. Ok. Thanks?" I said while raising an eyebrow.

"No problem!" She smiled. "I'm not gonna lie though. You and Joey would be cute!"

I scoffed. "What? No!"

"YESSS!" She giggled. "Don't say it like that, Joey's a nice guy!"

"Yeah, but he's a little scary." I admitted.



"Nahhhhh." She put the address stickers on the packages.

"Yuh huh!"

"Joey-Heyyyyyy Joeyyyyy!"

Joey walked in right when we were talking about him.

"Jenna what's with you and those plants in your work space?" He chuckled and walked in.

"Joey you know you like my plants. You think they're sexy."

"Only you Jenna." He laughed. "They alright. Do you need them watered?"

"No I already did yesterday. Thanks though."

"No problem. Can I get you ladies anything?"

Jenna turned to me and smirked. I shot her a bitch don't put my name in anything look.

"Coffee!" She spun back around facing Joey. "Nevaeh I'm sure you want something specific."

I gave her a look -_- "mhm."

"Whatchu want in you Coffee mama?" Joey asked.

Jenna giggled quietly. "Heheheh."

"French vanilla with ice." I said.

"You already know what I want Jojo."

"Alright. I got y'all. Imma do something right quick and hit up Starbucks. How's your new phone?"

"Oh yeah! Awesome, thanks Joey!" I said nervously.

He smiled. "Catch you later." Then he left.

Jenna turned to me and her eyes were wide. "Did you hear and see that?!"


"Dude! He bought you a phone and some expensive ass coffee on top of that! Don't tell me that doesn't mean anything!" She started flipping out.

I snickered. "Jen. It's not that serious. Yeah it's nice of him and means a lot to me but doesn't mean he wants me."

"I was in your shoes not too long ago. I worked at some shitty store in the Bronx, my boss let me go and CJ came to my rescue. Joey didn't treat me like he's treating you. CJ didn't either."

I shrugged.

"Trust me. Joey is feeling some type of way about you girly." She smiled and grabbed a empty box.

"Sure Jenna." I smiled back and folded the clothes.

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