27• I Only See One Thing

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"Welcome home!" Joey cheered as we walked into a condo in Sheffield.

"Wow!" My mouth hung open.

"You like it? If you have any problems I can rent another one."

"No, it's beautiful! Woah!!"

He smiled. "Go on and walk around. I'll put your bags in your room."

"Ok." I took my bookbag off of my back and walked into the living room and felt the couch. "Suede."

"Mhm, what's with you and suede?" He asked while putting dishes in the cabinet.

"My mom used to tell me that suede means the person that owns it is wealthy." I sat on one of the wooden chairs in the corner.

"Eh." He shrugged.

"That is if they kept it nice and little to no dust on it. It's annoying when dust is on it."

"You right. You can sit on the couch though. It's alright."

"No I'm fine. I'm already comfortable in this chair anyway."

"Aite. Issa should be here in a little bit."


"You met him before at the Pro Era hq."

"Oh! Yeah I remember." I said.

"ISSA GOLD IN THE CUT NIGGAAAAA!!!!" Issa loud ass said as he walked in.

   I smiled and looked down at my phone finding something to do. Whenever I get nervous I mess with something to distract myself. I have really, really bad social anxiety but I'm working on it. There's always room to grow.

"Hi Issa." I said shyly and chuckled.

"Sup girl?!" He hugged me. "Joey you cuffing? Cuz if not...ya boy looking for a mami anyway and I'll be glad-"

"Issa shut up! Where everybody else?" Joey gave us both some water.

"Kirk and them still back at home getting ready to come here."

"Still!? I told them to-"

Issa cut Joey off. "It's all good. It's four almost five o clock. Let's go swimming and chill by the pool. Nevaeh you know how to swim right Bae?"

"Kinda and Issa, I'm not your Bae." I rolled my eyes.

"Aite, you got a swim suit Bae?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, it's this bright ass yellow one Jenna made me buy."

"What's your favorite color Veah?" Joey asked while looking down at his phone and playing with his hair.

"Purple. Why?"

"Just asking."

"Bae you like pink?"

"Its straight. I don't mind pink." I shrugged.

"Joey get my Bae pink if she likes it." Issa ordered.

"Nigga shut up. She just said her favorite color is purple." Joey said with an attitude.

"I'll knock them shits off yo head." Issa threatened.

"You got poopoo coming out yo head too so squad up." Joey put his fist up.

They both laughed and went on with whatever they were doing.

"Yooo, Indi here." Issa said.

"No. You gotta be kidding me bruh." Joey started stressing immediately.

"Look." Issa showed him his phone.

"Tell Joey I miss him and that I'll see him in a little bit. I just got in the plane and I'm on my way to see my baby." Joey read aloud.

I kept quiet and chewed my tongue. Gotta start planning again.

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