46• Should I Stay? Should I Go?

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• June 22, Tuesday •
• 10:21 a.m •

"Alright. Imma go in first." I said. We parked in front of Demetrius' place. Joey was the driver, Jenna shotgun and Kwon and I in the back.

"Let me go with you." Kwon suggested.

"N-" Joey cut me off.

"Go with her Kwon. Text me if something goes down."

"We should call Kirk." Jenna said.

"Kirk is busy, Jenna. Y'all go." Joey sighed.

"He's always busy..." Jenna mumbled.

   Kwon and I got out and rang the doorbell. Demetrius opened the door, weed filled the air and he let us in. A Ethiopian girl walked around with only a baseball T and lace panties.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked me with an attitude.

"Bitch if you don't sit yo flat ass down. Talkin' bout some can I help you. Ol lobsta headass bitch with the fuckin-"

"Kwon hush." I said. "I want to talk to Demetrius so sit down somewhere and worry about yourself, ok?"

She started mumbling and crossed her arms.

"Get the fuck out Melaku." Demetrius ordered.

She stormed out of the living room.

"So what do you guys want? Y'all interrupted me and my girl."

"This the same house he abused you in?" Kwon whispered to me.

I nodded my head.

"You know why we're here. Why was you shooting at my brother last night? That shit aint cool b."

"He stole something from me."

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"Woahhhhh." He chuckled and stood up. "Calm down babygirl. That nappy dread headed nigga fucked you up didn't he? Why'd you move in with a stranger? You know better. You know you don't raise your voice at me because I can still put you in your place."

I gritted my teeth.

"What did he take from you?" Kwon asked while texting Joey.

"My Queen." He touched my thighs. "Got a little thicker mami."

Joey ran into the apartment and punched him. Kwon jumped up and Jenna ran in with a 40.

"JOEY STOP!" I pulled him and Kwon away from Demetrius. Joey pushed me off of him.

Kwon went back to punching Demetrius. Melaku ran in and knocked the gun out of Jenna's hand. I peeled the girl off of her and punched her as hard as I could.

"THATS ENOUGH LETS GO!" Jenna hollered.

We all ran out and got back in the car, out of breath and drove home.

• 12:14 p.m •

"Joey what the fuck?!" I said violently.

"What do you mean?!"

"Do you know how much trouble we-"

"Ain't nothing going to happen Aite?! Chill the fuck out."

We all sat on the floor in the living room.

"J she has a point..." Jenna said softly. "If they decide to snitch-"

"They won't." Kwon said. "If they snitch they'll get in trouble too."

"That's the smartest thing-" Jenna cut me off.


"I guess we're just gonna have to go to war." Joey got up and went to his room.

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