53• Lost In The World

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"No I'm not kidding you." He said.

"Why are you so laid back!? When it's time to do shit you wanna panic and get straight to it, ok cool but when something serious shit is poppin' off its like...you think its gonna fix itself!"

"Yo it's not even like that, I'm just not tryna think about it. I have too much on my mind. That's all!"

I clenched my fist. "You know if the police find shit we're fucked and it's gonna be your fucking fault Joey!"

I yanked the blankets and went back to sleep.

"Veah...baby I'm sorry."

I ignored him.

10:28 a.m •

   I haven't said a word to Joey and I'm not trippin'. He keeps trying to talk to me but I ignore him and I know it's killing him.

"You want pancakes? I'll put sprinkles on them! Oh and I forgot we have Kola champagne!"

   I looked at him 😒 and turned away still ignoring him. I just want to go to Jenna's place and hang with her. This nigga really pissed me off with his careless, detached attitude.
   Just walk out and don't tell him where I'm going. That's all I have to do. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a sad expression on his face.

I opened the door and left.

"So he just brushed it off?" Jenna asked while handing me a plate of French toast and glass of grapefruit juice.

"Yup. He doesn't give a fuck about anything!"

"Nevaeh you're wrong." She sat down next to me and passed the syrup.


"If he doesn't give a fuck why are you in this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like...you're in this because he cares about YOU that guy was taunting YOU and Joey took care of that. He killed him because he was messing with what's his. YOU. Plus he didn't like how he treated you."

I shrugged and sighed. "Ion know, I guess."

Her eyes softened. "Please don't ignore him. He really is stressed and he's just a bit lost. You ignoring him is only making it worse because he's focused on your happiness and that's what matters most to him."

"You're right. I feel bad now."

"Don't. Both of you are right and wrong. I see where both of you are coming from and it's gonna take a little work but you'll get through it. Joey's a hard worker."

I nodded my head and ate my food. After hanging out for a bit I said bye and took the subway back home.

• 12:05 p.m •

   I opened the door and walked into the house. Joey was asleep on the couch with a empty bottle of Hennessy on the floor. I gasped and shook him. He jumped and sat up.

"Baby, where've you been??" He asked sleepily.

"Jenna's place. What have you been doing while I was away?!"

He smiled. "You're talking to me."

"Bump that. What the hell?!"

"Just had to chill out. I'm good though. There was half the bottle left and I drank the rest, I'm good baby chill."

I ran my fingers through my hair and sat down next to him.

"You know I love you right?" He kissed my cheek. "And I'm glad I have a woman like you in my life."

I nodded and the doorbell rang. I got up and answered it.

"Can I borrow some sugar?" Kwon asked with a measuring cup in his left hand.

I slammed the door and sat back down.

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