64• Forgery

451 20 8

• 5:40 p.m •

Kwon and I were at pizza joint smashing our food and hanging out.

"I don't understand why we're here and we JUST had Halal food." I rolled my eyes and tried to eat my pizza. "I don't even have enough space to eat this big ass slice of pizza."

"THEN DON'T EA- give me that." He took the pizza out of my hand and bit into it.

"You just bit into it like I didn't...ok. Whatever."

"You my sister so its cool. I ain't even buggin' b."

I took a sip of tea and and just looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I smiled. "You're just adorable. I can't help it. Like...I just want to give you hugs all day."

"Well ok. You can give me as many hugs as you want." He shrugged and finished the pizza in a heartbeat.

I laughed. "Cool beans."

"Let's go. I'm tired of sitting down. You tryna go to the hood?"

We got up.

"The hood!? Hell fuck no. What do I look like?"

"Like a hoe that will go to the hood. You be on the block?"

"The block?"

"You be waiting on the block?" He smirked. "Ooo ya lil nasty."

"NO! Uh uh. I'm not like that. I laughed and we left the pizza place and got back on the Manhattan streets.

"Let's go to Barney's. I saw this nice parka the other day. We can match."

"Aite, cool." We started walking.

Once we got into Barney's I told Kwon about what happened last time when Joey and I were here.

"Damn! That's crazy. What was her deal?"

"Ion know. Let's get the parka and hit the jets cuz I can already see them peepin'." I rolled my eyes at one on the sales associates.

We did just that and kept walking. I felt like I was being watched and kept dragging Kwon into crowds then taking short cuts trying to get to W 26th Street.

"Why are we in a rush? Where are we going?" Kwon pouted. "I feel like I'm stolen."

I laughed and walked into Rock Star Crystals.

A/n: Rock Star Crystals is the plug for your stones. If you're in the NY area pull uppppp fam.

"Loooooooooooooook." I said childishly whiled pointing at a goldstone.

A lady welcomed us and we started browsing.

"You like that one?" He asked.


"Alright, lets take it to the front." He grabbed it for me and paid.

"You want to wear it now or you want me to bag it?" The lady asked.

Kwon looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Bag it please." I said.

She did that and we went to the car to hit up McDonald's for a smoothie for car Kwonicals.

We did our thing on Snapchat and headed back home. It's about 7:25 and no word from him.

"Damn. That nigga forgot where he lives?" He asked as he tossed his empty cup in the trash.

"I'm not even worried about him. Let's invite some people and watch Maury."

He laughed. "Alright. Go get the snacks and I'll call the squad."

I went to the kitchen and looked at my phone. Only messages from Instagram and Twitter. No phone calls or text messages, except for one from Indigo. Why is she texting me like we cool?

Indigo: Hey, I know we're not cool or whatever but have you seen or heard from Joey? No one knows where he's at and since you're his girl I thought you knew.

Me: Nope. I have no idea.

I left it at that and went back to the living room. Kwon was on the phone and I starred into space.

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