59• Your Aim Was Steady

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• Two Years Ago •
• May 23, Saturday •
• 6:46 p.m
A/n: Long chapter for you guyssss <3 ILY

   I slipped into my dress and heels and looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped, cupped my face and squealed. I look AMAZING in a dress, Five inch heels and expensive jewelry.

"MOM!" I yelled from my room.

"YES?" She yelled from the kitchen downstairs

"COME LOOK AT MEEEE!" I squealed.

I heard her run up the stairs and she busted into my room.


I giggled and hugged her with tears in my eyes. "LOOK!"

"I see! You're so beautiful! Bend down and let me get something out of your hair.

I bent down and she got it out. "You ready?"

"YES!" Our conversation was interrupted by the doorbell and my mom went downstairs to get it.

"Hi! Demetrius!" My mom said.

* Flashback gets interrupted my Joey *

"Wait, wait, wait! I thought you met Demetrius in Bed Stuy."

"Joey hush! He moved out of Seattle then came to New York and about a year or two later I did too and we got together."

"Oh ok." Kwon said.

"Kwon?!?! How did you get here, when did you get in here!!?" I shrieked.

He shrugged. "Ion know. Just popped up. Keep on your story."

I rolled my eyes and kept going.

* Back to Flashback *

"Hey Ma! I'm here for Nevaeh." He said at the door.

"Yeah? I thought she was going with her girlfriends."

"Yes but they already made it to the venue and it's about an hour and thirty minutes away and I didn't think it was fair for them to go over there to drop some people off them drive another 90 minutes to come get her so I'm here for her." He walked into the house and I watched him from the stairwell.

"That's sweet of you. She's getting ready right now. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"No thank you." He sat on the couch.

"Alright let me know if you need anything. I'll be right back." I ran back into my room and she came up the stairs.

"You sure you ready?" She whispered to me.

"Mhm. Do I have anything in my Afro?" I asked.

My mom chuckled. "No baby. Come one, let's go. Demetrius is here for you. He's so sweet but if that nigga do something let me know."

I laughed and grabbed her arm as we walked down the steps. "Okay."

Demetrius looked at me and his eyes widened. "Wow!"

I smiled and looked down. My mom started taking hella pictures.

"You clean up well! I'm so used to seeing you in hoodies and sneakers it's like you're a different person. Nevaeh you're a beautiful woman. With or without fancy, expensive clothes. Will you go to prom with me?"

My mom squeaked as she recorded what was happening.

"YES!" I giggled and hugged him.

He put the corsage on my wrist and kissed my cheek.

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