24• Dependency

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* Two Months Ago *

Demetrius in the media section

"I want it done by the time I get home." He yelled over the phone.

"Demetrius I told you I can't do it right now. I've been cleaning the whole day, you need to eat out."

"You wait till I get home." He growled and hung up.

My heart started racing, I put the mop down and ran to the kitchen rushing to prepare his dinner. My body hurt from doing everything in the house for the past three days.
It's been a while since I spoke to someone so it's nice that you're actually listening to me and being a friend, sometimes I-

"NEVAEH!" He yelled as he slammed the front door and put his keys on the table.

I shuttered and acted like I didn't hear him while I chopped tomatoes and onions frantically and hummed. He walked into the kitchen and sat on a chair watching me and playing with a Rubix cube.
He does this all the time. If I acknowledge him or ignore him while acting a certain way he knows I'm doing something wrong and will punish me for it.

"Good evening Sir." I said as I walked over to him and kissed him.

"How's my babygirl?" He asked as he gripped my arms tightly while digging his nails into my skin.

I shrieked and forced a smile. "Fine. How about you Demetrius?"

"I'm great. Thanks for asking." He said. "Did you do what I asked you to do?"




"Are you lying to me?" His nails dug deeper into my arm making me bleed.

"No." I clenched my teeth. "No...I'm not lying."

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not."

He got up and dragged me to the stove. "Did you finish cooking?"

"N-no." I stuttered. "I just need more time ok? Give me an hour and a couple-"

"I asked if you finished everything and you said yeah. I asked if you're lying, you said no. Does the food look done to you?! Is everything done!?!"

"No sir!" I peeled his fingers off of my arm and held it in pain.

"Don't try to run. I always catch you Nevaeh."

I swear to god his accent makes shit more intimidating than it needs to be.

I ran up the stairs and he ran after me. He pulled the belt from his pants and struck my arm. I locked myself in our room and huddled in a corner.

"Open the door Nevaeh! Locking yourself in our room will only make it worse. I'm giving you two minutes to unlock the door baby." He cooed.

This man is crazy! It is my fault though because when I met him he told me he was bipolar but I had no idea this is what he meant!

"No! Go away and I'll come out."

"Please open the door. I won't hit you, okay?"

A/n: I know this is a bad timing but I stg "I won't hit you" is a mothafuckin lie! When I was a lil shit and I fell for that bs I got mf got! I ran for my life when my moms pulled out that belt 😂💃🏾

"No!!!! Leave!"

"I'm not going anywhere. Just open the door. Please?" He asked sweetly. "I wanna see my girls beautiful face."

Demetrius has a way with words which is probably why I fell for his crazy ass. He's a sweetheart but can switch shit up fast!

"Stop talking Demetrius! Shut up and leave me alone! Fuck off!!!"

He snickered. "I asked you nicely and I'm giving you one more chance. Open. The door."

I didn't say anything. He left and I exhaled. Peace for about five minutes until he came back.

"Baby?" He called for me. "You're still not gonna open the door for me?"

"Nigga I said leave!!!"

I heard a loud pop on the doorknob. He broke it with a hammer. He kept hitting it and hitting it until it fell off and he grabbed me by my hair.

He literally dragged me down the stairs and locked me in a dark empty room.

"You're staying in there until I say otherwise." He yelled then walked away.

   This happens one to thirteen times a week. Sometimes he locks me in here for about a hour which is the minimum and sometimes a day or two maximum.
   He hits me but nothing that can really hurt me like a punch or a kick. He learned his lesson when I didn't clean the house and he threw a punch and I passed out.
   Demetrius only grabs me, slap me or dig his nails into my skin. His nails aren't that long but they do hurt and leave a mark. Other days he'll force me to have sex with him.
   Demetrius can be a nice guy but I'll never ever get back with him. The shit he's done to me has made me a nervous and self conscious person and I don't wanna go back to that room.

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