52• On The Fence All The Time

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• 10:24 p.m •

Joey and I finally got to the house and I was shocked. We didn't speak one word to each other. I don't wanna be in this shit anymore, it's like he's bringing me down with him and I'm not trying to fuck my life up.
He was obviously stressing. I walked up behind him and gave him a hug. He jumped but quickly realized who I was.

"I'm sorry." He said lowly. "I didn't mean to drag you into this. I'm buggin' out b."

"It's ok Joey. We'll get through it."

"I hope so. I got hella calls from the crew." He looked down at his phone.

I pulled mine out. "True. Lemme call them back."

I called Kirk and put him on speaker phone.

Me: UM! UH UH! Shut cho ass up. Joey and I straight. Pick up the phone and start yellin' and cussin again imma slap them dusty ass shades off yo face next time I see them on you.
Kirk: ._. Bye

* End Of Phone Call *

Joey chuckled as I hung the phone up. "Stop comin' at my mans."

"Tell him to shut the hell up then." I rolled my eyes.

"You and this attitude Nevaeh. Imma take care of that once all this goes away." He bit his lip, looked down at me and pressed his body against mine.

I cleared my throat and pushed him away. "Stop. We're facing something serious right now. This is jail!!!"

"I'm not even trippin' anymore. The bail will be a piece of cake."

"What if there IS NO BAIL?!?? Stop slacking! Joey you're not special to them! They don't give a fuck about you or how you living." I lowered my voice and chilled out. "Joey we're black folks. You know they ain't gonna hear us out unless there's violence involved!"

"You right. Let's just think positive." He held my hands and kissed my neck.

I pushed him away. "Why? Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"You always hope for the best and that's not ok! You have to act on somethings instead of sitting there hoping bad shit won't happen to you. The world doesn't work like that Joey! You're not special and I mean that in the lightest way."

He nodded his head. "You're right. 100 percent..."

I exhaled. "Thank you-I'm glad you understand. Imma go to sleep. K? Imma sleep in your bed."


• June 24, Wednesday •
• 12:47 a.m •

   Can't sleep. Look at the time. I looked up at the ceiling watching the fan spin and listened to Joey's snoring. My ears burned and my mouth is dry. I don't even know what I'm thinking out.
   I turned and looked at the digital clock on Joey's side. I curled up next to him hoping I'll fall asleep. Can't. Not even gonna try. I feel like I'm being watched. I hope they don't watch the house or tap our phones.

"Joey...?" I whispered.

He snores loudly.

"Joey!!" I whisper shouted. He didn't wake up. I shrugged it off and turned away.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Go to sleep." He said in a sleepy voice.


"Did you try counting sheep?" Joey dug his face into my neck.

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck the sheep man. I can't sleep and I'm scared."


I flipped over and looked at him. The moonlight spilled into the room putting a spotlight on the bed.

"Joey what kind of question is that?! You know what happened today!"

He put his dreads in a ponytail and sat up. "Yeah, I do know and I'm not thinking about it."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mumbled to myself and gritted my teeth.

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