18• Set Up

875 46 4

• June 17, Tuesday •
• 11:23 a.m •

   Indigo fucked up. Let me explain, she's been here for a good fifteen minutes now and she's been mean mugging me since she got here which is pissing me off. I've noticed a lot of things about her. She is wayyyy too comfortable around Joey and doesn't lock her phone when she's done using it. See where I'm going?
   Let me explain some more, Indigo has drank a whole bottle of water and of course she'll need to go to the bathroom soon. I put her number in my phone from when I was on Joey's phone and I'll message her using a fake number when she's about to go to the bathroom.
   She'll check the phone and then go to the bathroom. She has a habit of leaving her phone on and I'll delete the messages from yesterday. I'll ask Joey to do something for me like get me food to distract him and I'll do what I need to do and that'll be it. She'll have no proof if she decides to talk to Joey about the messages that don't exist and she'll look like a complete idiot!

"Do you need anymore water?" I asked her nicely.

She rolled her eyes. "I'll ask Joey. Joey can I please have a some water?"

"Yeah." He got up from the couch and went to the kitchen.

   Since she asked him for water. I'll fake menstrual cramps instead of asking him to make me food. It'll make me look more innocent and Joey will probably tell me to make my own anyway and we don't want that to happen.

   Joey came back with her water and we sat quietly in the living room watching TV. Indigo sat next to him of course while I sat by myself on the fucking floor because Indigo's shit was in all of the chairs and the other couch. She did it on purpose. No doubt. She's only making me look more innocent.
   I don't like doing this to people because it's fucked up but I have to. She doesn't deserve Joey and she's a horrible person. I know everyone has at least one thing against her but they're too pussy to admit it.

"Joey doesn't he look like Nyck?" I pointed to someone on the screen.

He laughed and was about to say something until Indigo butted in.

"No he doesn't! Stop trying his life." She growled.

Joey raised an eyebrow and I kept a straight face.

"Rude." I said under my breath.

"Not as rude as that fucking comment." She said sharply.

"Chill out Indi!" Joey said. "God damn!"

"Whatever! I need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me." I sent her the message and she unlocked her phone. "Who is this?"

I clutched my stomach in pain. She rolled her eyes and went to the restroom.

"You ok Veah?" Joey asked.

"No!" I clutched my stomach tighter and rolled into a ball. "Cramps."

"Shit. I got you." He rushed to the kitchen.

   I quickly got up and went to Indigo's contacts before it fell asleep. I realized that I didn't have the much time to delete each message so I just deleted the whole convo and put her phone back and curled back into a ball on the floor.

Joey came back with tea and gave it to me. I sat up and he caressed my cheek. I teared up.

"Thanks so much Joey." A tear rolled down my face and he hugged me.

"Anytime. I don't know much about you know...but I hope tea helps. If it doesn't let me know." He kissed my cheek and sat back down once Indigo came back.

"Fuck wrong with her?"she put her feet in his lap trying soooooo hard to get a reaction but I kept my cool.

"She has cramps." Joey said for me. "Is it that bad Veah?"

I nodded my head. "Feels like a knife cutting me up."

"Damn. Want me to sit next to you?" He asked kindly.

I shook my head no but he sat down next to me anyway. Indigo scoffed and was obviously mad.

Ha! Lil dumb ass bitch!

"Joey can we talk?" She asked.

"Of course. What's poppin'?"


Joey looked at me.

"No it's cool! I was planning on taking a nap anyway so I don't have to deal with the pain." I struggled to get up.

"No, no, no. I got you." He helped me up.

"Thanks." I went to my room and I felt good about myself. Just gonna listen to them and then take a nap.

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