1 {Pink Hair}1

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a/n: hello now that i reread all of these chapters, i realize how cringeworthy this story is. but hey, its not bad for the first ever full waterparks fanfiction on wattpad ;)


"Mamma?" I asked, softly. I poked her arm as she lay there completely still, asleep on her bed. "Mom?" I asked a tiny bit louder. I poked her arm a little bit harder. I got no reaction. "Mom??!" I started to speak normally. I pushed her arm hard and there was still nothing. 

I started to panic. I looked over her body to the empty side of the bed. There was a few bottles of alcohol and a pill bottle. I looked from the bottles to her face. It was completely pale and her hair was spilling down the side of her head. 

I leaned over her body to look at what pill bottle it was but I bumped her hand, which dropped a piece of paper. I squinted at the white, crinkled, paper.  I slowly reached for it and picked it up off the bed.

I opened it and flattened it out. It read:


I love you so much. And you should know that. I always have and always will. I am so sorry that you had to go through what problems I went through with your father. No child should have to be involved in their parents arguments with other ones. 

I couldn't take it. What I did probably didn't even have any effect on me. I'm probably still breathing and you're probably not reading this. Or I might have just killed myself with the mixture of my pills and alcohol. Who knows. I guess we will find out when I wake up or when you read this. 

I couldn't continue on with reading. There was a whole lot more. Tears welled up in my eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Mom?!" I yelled, furious. I grabbed her arm and shook her as hard as I could, thinking it would actually do something. 

Stop, Ariel. Its not going to work. I thought to myself. I tried harder. I shook her violently. "Mommy!!" I screamed at the stop of my lungs. My throat stung as I tried to swallow my sobs. "Help!!" I yelled.

"Ariel!!!" I opened my eyes fast, regretting it as the warm tears spilled out. I sat up and shook violently. Arms engulfed me into a hug and I cried. I tried to stay quiet. I don't wanna seem like the weak one. I've never been the weak one.

I looked up at the one person I know would be there to hold me. "Taylor, I'm sorry." I held in my tears.

"Its alright. Everything is going to be alright." Taylor whispered into my ear,  rocking me back and fourth, holding me tightly. "Come on, lets get back to sleep. Tomorrow is when Dalton has a few people scheduled to come in." She let me go. I nodded and crawled off of her and back under my blanket. She stood up from my bed and walked to hers. 

Its so nice to have a friend that will put up with me. Taylor is pretty much the only one who knows about my nightmares. I haven't told anyone at all except for her.

I wrapped myself in my blanket and turned to face the wall that my bed was placed up against. I held my pillow close to me and put it in between my knees. That normally calms me down. Soon enough I fell asleep.


"Ariel!! Hurry up!" someone yelled as I stepped out of the wet tub. I stayed in the shower longer than I normally would, just so the cold water is the only water left in that shower.

I wrapped my hair in a towel and put a towel around my body. I opened the door and Rachel pushed her way through. "Move, I need to shower. I don't need to smell like a sewer when I finally leave this place." she spat as she set her towel on the toilet seat.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now