11 {no geoff} 11

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"Knock knock?" I looked up from my laptop. "Can I come in?"

I nodded. "Sure, dad." I closed my laptop and slid it over to the side of the bed. It still felt weird calling him dad. But it seems to make him really happy.

He sat down on the end of the bed, facing me with his legs crossed Indian style. "How you feeling?"

I sighed and brought my knees up to my chest. "A little better. I think I needed some sleep. But my throat kinda hurts still."

"Oh! Do you want some honey, some warm tea?? Some soup?!" He rushed.

"Sure, um maybe just some tea." I said a bit calmer than he did. He nodded and got up, leaving the room.

Shortly after, he came back with a mug of tea with a unicorn on it. "Reppin your own merch, eyh?" I said as he handed me the hot mug.

He laughed. "Hey, a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." I chuckled and took a sip of the tea. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it while it lasted.

"Oh my, is this green tea?" I asked. Dad nodded. "Green tea is pretty lit.....Oh lord. I'm never saying that again."

Dad laughed. "Okay, well if you start to feel better later, we have to go pick up the van. You can either stay here with Grace or come with us."

I set the mug down on the bedside table. "I most likely will come with." Dad nodded.

"Well, get some rest. You need it. If you need me, I'll be downstairs." he smiled and kissed the top of my head. I nodded and leaned back. I pulled the covers up over my nose and dad chuckled.

I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.


"So I was thinking maybe we could have longer meet an- Geoff!! Snap out of it!" I waved my hand in front of the daydreaming boy. "We need to get this all worked out! We only have a few more days!"

Geoff turned his head to me and blinked slowly. "Calm down, we have a week and a half." He said softly.

"No, Geoff. We have six days! Later we have to pick up the van and get everything situated. We cant slack off! This is important." I said, getting frustrated. This is getting ridiculous. Ever since I came home with Ariel, it seems like Geoff is distracted from everything. "Please just act like you care for a few months." I begged, putting my elbows on the table and resting my chin in my hands.

Geoff stood up, the back of his legs pushed the chair out causing the legs to scrape against the floor. I jumped and looked up at a now almost angry Geoff.

"What do you mean "act like you care" ?!? Awsten, I care more about this band than you could ever care about anything and everything put together!" I was shocked at the raised voice that is normally quite and soft.

My eyes went wide and to be honest, I was kinda scared. Geoff does this very rarely. One day out of 50 he will get mad and yell at someone or say something mean.

"I'm sorry." He said a bit quieter. he pushed the chair in and walked over to the couch. "Its just that there is this one girl and she is taking over my mind and I have only known her for a short while but I really like her..... And it hurts to know that you'll get in the way of me and her, that's if she will ever like me back." He whispered the last part and I couldn't hear it fully.

"What was that?" I asked, standing up from the table and walking over to Geoff.

He looked up at me. "Oh. I said, Its just there is  a girl I really like and I've only known he-"

"No, the last part. The part you whispered." I sat on the arm rest of the little love sofa across from the one Geoff was sitting on.

"Oh... It hurts to know that if she'll ever like me back, which she will never, you'd get in the way of me and her." He said just above a whisper.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Do you like Ariel?" I asked. Geoff stayed quiet. "No." I stated bluntly. I don't want to hurt Geoff's feelings. But I also don't want Ariel to have a boyfriend. Plus Geoff is like three years older than her. I don't want either one of them to get hurt.

"No what?" He asked. A wave of sadness washed over his face and he looked up at me.

I sighed. "No, you're not allowed to like Ariel. I don't want you liking her.... Uh, you're too old for her." Yeah, that sounds about right.

He looked confused. "Too old? We are two years apart." He said, raising his voice a little.

"Yeah, but when you turn 19, you'll be with a minor. That's not allowed." I pulled that little fact out from a small box in the back of my brain, hoping that was an actual thing.

"You're dating Grace and shes 20. You're 29." He retorted back. He did have a point, sorta. But that's not going to get me to change my mind.

"No." I once again said and walked away leaving Geoff alone in the living room.

A sensation of anger washed through my body and I continued to walk outside. Why am I feeling angry? Literally there is nothing to be angry about. I walked down the drive way. Sitting down on the edge of the pavement, i started to clench my fists.

I furrowed my eyebrows and threw my head into my knees. Literally, where is this anger coming from? Its not even anger. I just feel, I don't know. I feel upset. But I've never been angry or upset. Well, that's a lie. I'm mad all the time. But that's something different.

I've only had Ariel for less than a week and I am already clinging to her and being over protective. But isn't that the whole idea of being a parent? To be over protective and clingy over your child?

I'm just worried about one of them ending up hurt. Plus Geoff birthday is in a few weeks. But Ariel's is too, I think. I'm pretty sure her birthday is also in July. Or is it August. I don't remember, but still. Geoff is turning 19. You get my point, right? All will go to hell if someone finds out an adult is dating a minor. Right? I think that's how it goes. Would he even be an adult at 19? I'm so confused.

I didn't realize that my cheeks were wet from tears. This is stressing me out. I just need to calm down and think about something else for a while.

Warped Tour.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now