39{welcome to your tape, bitch}39

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{im gonna try something new. im gonna try to make the chapters less than 1000 words. actually, it depends. if i have a good idea for a chapter, it could reach 1000 words, but this is only like 500 something, onLY BECAuse cliffhanger ;))). im sorry it took so long to update. ill try to make the updates more frequent since summer is almost here.}


"Do you want to do the board, or the research? Because I'm up to doing any of the two... Ariel? Ariel?" A hand was waved in front of my face and I flinched. 

"Wha- Sorry..." I murmured. Taylor folded her legs under her body and scooted closer to me on her knees. I hope she realizes that the dirty floor will make her light blue skinny jeans black. 

"You alright?" She asked. I looked down at the floor and flicked a bright green leaf away, it didn't go very far though. 

I nodded my head really fast and raised my head. "Oh, yeah, yeah! I'm fine. Just thinking...." I trailed off, looking back down at the floor. 

It was silent for a few seconds between us until Taylor spoke up. "Later at lunch I need to tell you something."

I nodded and we started working on our project board for writing.

Lunch time rolls around and the entire hour before, I was worrying about what Taylor wanted to talk to me about. Did she also think I was being too pushy? Am I not helping enough with our project? Am I being too annoying? 

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand gripping tightly to mine. I jumped and turned, causing our hands to separate. 

"Geoff, I'm sorry." I said, putting my hand on my heart. 

He stepped closer to me and looked down. "Why so jumpy?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug. "Is it still the drinking thing?" He asked referring to the night a few weeks ago when Geoff got really drunk and got really defensive. I told him that I was scared of drunk him because of that incident, but that wasn't the problem.

"No, that's long gone. I know you wouldn't do it again -hopefully. I'm kind of just paranoid because Taylor wanted to tell me something at lunch and I have no clue what I could even be about." I explained.

Geoff let me go. "Speaking of which, there she is." He turned me around and pointed to Taylor across the lunch room. She was looking around the room. "She's probably looking for you. Go on ahead, I'll get you food." He smiled down at me and pecked my lips. 

Geoff walked over to the lunch line and I started to worm my way through the crowds of yelling teenagers. I got to Taylor and she sighed a breath of relief. 

"Thank God, I thought you bailed on me. Come on." She almost shouted over the loudness of the room. Taylor grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the girls bathroom. Once we entered the bathroom, Taylor jumped up onto the counter, letting her feet dangle. 

My heart was beating so hard like a drum, it could replace Otto in the band. "You probably aren't going to like me after this." was all she said so far. And that there is the reason why my heart is beating so hard. 

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, attempting to hide my fear behind confusion but it slipped out a bit. 

Taylor took in a deep breath and let it out. "I think I like Geoff." 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now