41{ask him pt.1}41

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It was raining. All day it's been raining. All day I've been confused and depressed about Taylor  and I's argument. And the gloomy weather isn't helping my mood either. 

I was watching Netflix, but I turned it off because all the good shows that were on there either got taken off or I finished. But as soon as I turned the TV off, there was a knock at my door.

"Can I come in?" Dad's voice rung from behind the door. I mumbled a "yeah" and the door swung open. "What's up! How are you! Haven't heard from you or seen you all day!" He exclaimed overly excitedly.

I sighed and sat straight up. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I mean like, I really really like Geoff and I wanna ask him to be my boyfriend but-"

The blue haired man-baby cut me off. "Wait, you mean to tell me... That you,, and Geoff aren't together yet?" I nodded my head. "Dude! We need to get you two together! And I have the perfect idea."

My eyes went wide in shock. "And this is coming from the guy who didn't want us to stand near each other. Okay." I said.

Dad stood up and left the room.

I sat in my room for about an hour before Dad came back into my room with a wide grin. "Get cute clothes on." he demanded cheerfully. 

Why is he acting like this. Today is just one big confusion fest for me. 

I stood up from my comfortable position on my bed and shuffled over to my dresser. Dad closed the door and waited outside of my room. I grabbed a long sleeved floral maroon shirt and a pair of black shorts. 

I took off my current clothes and put on my new. After I put the shirt and shorts on, I looked at myself in the mirror. 

Oh man, this shirt is really tight on me. You can see my ribs kind of popping out and the sleeves were tight around my arms. The shorts were in between baggy and tight. They fit nicely and they are comfortable.

I opened my door to see Dad leaning against the wall near my room. He looked at me and got really excited. "Come on." He yelled enthusiastically. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around the house until we reached the back yard.

I question why he brought me to the backyard, but then my eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora