2 {flower crowns} 2

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Awsten is pretty cool and I like him a lot. I learned that he is turning 29 January 17 and he said he lives with his friend, Geoff and Otto, which are also his band mates. They sound pretty cool from what he has told me. He told me a lot of things. Like he visits HEB about everyday to get at least three gallons of orange juice. He really likes Manic Panic. Plus he told me one time he had a pet frog and his parents burned him to a crisp with the lamp you need for reptiles.

Currently, Taylor and I are trying to not cry. She has been my best friend and really my only friend for almost a year and I'm going to miss her a lot. "You have my number, right?" She asked me as she shoved my posters neatly into a bag.

She always acted like a mom to me despite the fact that shes older than me by six months. But that doesn't matter. What matters is I'm probably never going to see my best friend again. Like, I could but I don't know if Awsten would ever let me.

I wiped my cheeks with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "I love you." She said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back and nodded.

"I know, I love you too." I said back.

My name was called and I grabbed my two bags. Taylor grabbed the other two and we started to walk down the hall, side by side. I could feel her eyes on me as I looked at the ground. We made it to the big double doors.

Once I walk through these two glass door, my life will change. I will actually have a family that loves me, possibly. I am willing to let that happen.


"So, your room is right here. This is my room, and that is the bathroom." Awsten said, opening a door to a room with tan walls. "When Geoff gets back, we will take you to the mall and furniture store." He smiled and picked up my two small bags. He walked into the room and sat them on the bed.

I laughed the slightest. "Awsten, its ok-"

"You can call me Dad. I mean, if you want to. You don't have to." He said all panicky.

I looked at him, then to the floor. "Oh, alright... Dad, we don't have to. I mean, the room has a bed, a T.V, a dresser. That's really all I need." I said.

"Nopenopenopenope." he said, wiggling his pointer finger in the air near his chest. "Me and Geoff are going to take you to the mall, to Target, to the furniture store. I'm going to spoil you." He said, his voice full of sass.

I smiled. "Okay, thank you." I picked up my other two bags and walked into my new room. The bags weren't really that big. I had two backpacks and two small jaw string bags. They all held magazines, hair things, art stuff, and clothes.

Awsten helped put things away and by time we were finished, somebody opened the front door. Awsten got really excited and dragged me down the stairs. By dragged, I mean he threw me over his shoulder and ran down the stairs with me.

"Fat Butt Boy Lord!!!!!!!" Awsten shouted, dropping me on the couch and jumped up onto "Fat Butt Boy lord". "Geoff, this is Ariel!!!" He calmer than before. I let out a breathy laugh. I looked at Geoff's face. He smiled and said "hi". I gave him a small wave and a smile back.

"You actually weren't joking. Okay." Geoff said, surprised.

Dad giggled. "Haha, yeah. But look at how cute she is. Shes so adorable I love her already." He walked over to me a pinched my cheeks. Geoff and I both laughed.

"So, how old are you, Ariel?" Geoff asked me, walking over to the couch and sitting next to me.

"16{edit for anyone that's not caught up yet, I'm changing her age to one more year up}." I said. I don't know why Awsten adopted me. I mean like, I have almost one more year til I can live on my own, even though I probably wouldn't move out until I'm 20. But I'm not complaining.

"Oh, cool." Awsten sat down on a little arm chair and stared at Geoff. We all sat in silence for about a minute until Geoff spoke up again. "Hey, Awsten. You said something about going to the mall, right? Cause I need to go get a shirt."

"Yup, we also need to go to Rooms To Go and Target." Awsten said, getting up and walking over to the couch that Geoff and I were sitting on.

I re-positioned myself, sitting myself fully upright and spoke. "Aws-uh-Dad. It's fine." I was cut off by Awsten's finger on my lips.

"Shush. We're doing it and you are going to like it." He smiled and I mentally rolled my eyes and kinda laughed.

Geoff stood up and grabbed keys off of the coffee table and walked to the door. "Get ready, Awsten. I'm leaving in two minutes. If you're not in the car in two minutes, me and Ariel are leaving." I laughed and Awsten pouted, stomping up the stairs.

Geoff and I sat in the car, waiting for Awsten. "Do you like any music in particular?" Geoff asked, picking up his phone that was plugged into the car.

"Um, anything punkish/rockish/popish." I said looking at the front door waiting for Awsten.

He chuckled. "Wow. That's a lot of ishes."

"IM HERE IM HERE!!!!" Awsten yelled, startling me. "Awww. I wanted front seat."

"Oh, do you want the front seat, I can give it to you." I rushed my words, pressing the button on the buckle but he put his hand on mine, stopping me from fully unbuckling myself.

"It's okay." He said, chuckling. "I was only kidding."

"Oh." I said, looking back at the buckle. I pushed it in and then Geoff drove off to the mall.


"Go get girly things." Awsten said as we stopped in front of the store Claire's.

I shook my head no really fast. "I-I.... Come with me?" I begged in a soft voice. I'm really shy and I will not go into a store by myself even if it was as small as an average sized living room. Awsten put his hands up near his chest, backing away.

"Nononononono. I cant be seen in a 'girly store'." he said, shuddering as he said the word 'girly'.

Geoff put his hand on my back. "Its okay. I'll take you." He smiled down at me. He wasn't that much taller than I am. Maybe a few inches. I'm 5'3 and he's probably 5'8.

Awsten smiled at us and Geoff grabbed my upper arm and dragged me into the store. I looked back at Awsten to see him still smiling and waving.

I looked ahead of me again and Geoff had dragged me over to the flower crowns. "I like flower crowns." He mumbled. I laughed a little and he looked up the wall. There were many different colors and he grabbed two, putting one on my head and one on his. I looked up at him and laughed.

"Hot." was all I said and he grabbed his phone out, snapping a picture of us and posting it to twitter.

"Ew, look at me. What the hell?" I said, pointing to my face. "I wasn't even looking at the camera." I squealed.

"Shush, you look fine." He took the crowns off of our heads and placed them around his arm like a bracelet. "More things!!" He whisper shouted and walked over to another wall, dragging me along with him, seeing as his hand is still wrapped around my arm.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now