17 {corgis!!!} 17

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{I finished updating the first 13 chapters. So if you want to reread, you're allowed. Some of it actually will make sense this time.}


We found out that we play our hometown almost towards the end of Warped Tour but today we are in San Antonio, TX. It really sucks because I don't get to see Grace or the dogs for almost two months in person. We facetimed earlier before lunch and we are going to facetime about ten minutes before we perform.

I didn't realize how much you're gonna miss someone until you're on the road and away from them for two months.

We are meeting fans before we go on. We've gotten so many drawings, homemade cookies, and we've signed CD's and phones and faces and boobs. This is my favorite part about being in a band. Not the signing boobs part, but meeting all the wonderful people who support us and love us for who we are and what we do. We got so many tears from our fans. Honestly, I kind of teared up when they came to us crying.

But its also amazing how the only really big tour we ever did was The Black Cat Tour. But even then not many people knew who we were. Every show we did, we were probably at the merch table and outside the venue for an hour meeting everyone. Now that we are on warped and we had released the new ep, so many people have come to us. I love seeing the fans and their happy faces excited to see me and my dumb friends screech into a microphone and jump around on a stage for forty minutes. I just love it so much and honestly I'm glad that I'm where I am today because if I wasn't, I would probably be living with my parents eating Ramen Noodles in the basement because I dropped out of college.

"Hey, Awsten?" I snapped out of my daze. I looked down and a girl about the age of fourteen or fifteen was standing about a foot away from me.

"Hi!" I said enthusiastically. I reached my arms out and she walked into them. I hugged her tightly and she hugged back.

We released from the hug and she held out things in her hands. "I bought you this and this. And I drew something but its in my bag, one sec." She held two bottles of H.E.B orange juice in one hand and in the other she held a necklace similar to mine. But her feet tokens were all solid colors. I grabbed the orange juice and held it between my arm upper arm and side of my chest. She grabbed the clasp of the necklace and unhooked it, sliding off four feet tokens.

"I won these in elementary school. You would get a pink laminated paper foot thing with thirty circles. Each circle represented a lap and each foot you completed, you got a charm. Out of four years of elementary school, well in that school cause they were the only ones who did it, I got eight feet and two pumpkins for October. I want you to have these ones." She explained as she pulled the feet off and clasped the hook back together.

"Aww." I squealed. She handed me the feet charms and then reached into her backpack.

"I also drew and painted this for you. I did the same for Otto and Geoff and I gave it to them already." She smiled and pulled a small canvas about the size of a book.

It was a picture of me doing that praying hand thing. I don't even think its from a picture I have ever taken before. "Did you paint this from memory?" I asked, shock.

She nodded. "Yeah, I kind of just created a picture of you in my head doing this pose where you're kneeling weirdly. Hah." She said, scratching the back of her neck and looking down at the ground.

"Dude, this is sick! I can't wait to put this on my wall at home!" I squealed. She looked up at me and smiled. "I want to get a picture with you, you're cool as fuck. Hey Jawn!" I yelled for the red headed photographer who was talking to Zakk.

"Do you think Geoff and Otto can come too?" She asked shyly.

I went wide eyed. "Of course! Geoff! Otto, get over here!" They came walking over to me and the girl. "Hey, what's your name by the way. And do you live in the Houston area?" I asked. Geoff and Otto had come over and Jawn was taking his precious time.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now