10 {im sorry} 10

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"Knight?" Dad stood up and pulled me up with him. He held onto me making sure I didn't fall. Grace followed the doctor and Dad and I followed behind Grace.

The doctor led us to a small room with only a bed and a T.V. There was a counter behind the bed with tubes and just random medical stuff sitting on top. Dad held my arm as I crawled on the bed back into my fetal position.

"So, whats going on?" The doctor asked, pulling out a notepad.

Dad sighed and sat down on the chair. "My friends took her out to eat tonight and she said on the way home that her stomach started to hurt. I don't know what kind of pain it was but when she got home she came to me and said her stomach started to hurt. I thought she went to her room but she was in the bathroom curled up into a ball on the floor. Grace, my girlfriend, went to check on her and she found her on the bathroom floor crying. So she called me in and I started to panic because I didn't know what to do. Then she wound up throwing up for a while. Grace said we should come here." Dad panicked. I looked over to my side and Grace was sitting on the bed with me, stroking my hair.

"Okay, it sounds like she has a stomach bug but we will draw some blood, put you on an IV, and take some tests to make sure that's what it is, okay?" I nodded. I hated the idea of needles. I'm scared of sharp things. I'm pretty much scared of everything but needles were a big N.O. 

The doctor walked away and I looked over at Dad. He had his head in his hands and it looked like...he was crying? "You okay dad?" I asked worriedly.

He looked up and thankfully he wasn't crying. "Yeah. I'm fine." he said. His eyes went to the floor and he put his head in his hands again.

I breathed a shaky breath. "I'm sorry." I said, closing my eyes. 

"Ariel, it's not your fault. It's nowhere near your fault. It's stomach bug season. You probably just picked it up from the restaurant." Dad said.  


I sat quietly as I listened to the steady and calm breathing coming from my two favorite girls. Ariel was asleep on the bed and Grace had a chair pulled up to the side of the bed, her head resting on the bed. 

"Mr. Knight?" I snapped out of my daze and looked over to the door. The doctor was back with a file and a few papers. "Ariel did have a little stomach bug. We are going to send you guys home with some pills just in case she vomits again. But she can only take one every four hours. It's the same medicine we put in her IV. And after you sign these papers, you all are ready to go." The doctor gave me a genuine smile after he stopped talking. He handed me some papers and I signed them. We traded, the papers for the pills.

"You're all set. Hope she feels better." He said. Before he walked out I said "thank you". 

"Guys, wake up." I shook Grace's arm. She started to stir.

Her eyes went wide and a look of panic washed over her face. "Wha- Why are we here," she paused and looked at Ariel. "oooooh." 

"We can leave now." I said in a whisper. 

Grace smiled. "Ariel, baby. Wake up." Ariel slowly opened her eyes and groaned. "We can go home now." 

Ariel rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up, slinging her legs over the bed. "c'mon." I said softly as I held her up while she walked.


I cant sleep at all. Otto is laying on the floor cuddling Godfrey, getting a good nights rest while its three am and I am sitting on the couch, eyes wide open. Awsten and the girls aren't home yet and all that is going through my mind is I am an awful person for letting this happen. Well, I mean I think I did this. After we got in the car from eating she said she didn't feel good.

Ahhh!!! I'm thinking off the page and I cant sleep knowing that Ariel might not be okay. I mean, she probably is. This is why I need sleep. I'm thinking too much.

Like one time, when I was thirteen I tripped off my skateboard when I hit a crack in the sidewalk and fell. I thought I broke my knee. I thought I was bleeding everywhere. I thought I was going to die, when literally I had had a gash about the size of a quarter. At that moment, my mind had convinced me so much that is was a broken knee or I was bleeding out that I started to actually think it.

That really went off subject but you get my po- My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of jingling keys.

I looked over to the door and it slowly swung open. My heart started to beat faster and faster from excitement.

Awsten, Grace and Ariel walked through the door. I stood up and straightened out my pants. "You're okay. I'm so so so sorry. We shouldn't have gone out to eat. Are you feeling better. What happened. Oh my god." I tried to speak quietly as I bombarded Ariel with questions. 

Awsten walked past me to put the keys on the little table thing and take his shoes off, Grace following closely behind.

"Geoff," she chuckled as she spoke. "I'm okay. All I had was a little stomach bug and the doctors gave me some medicine and it should be gone within like 24 hours. I'm just really tired and my throat hurts."I smiled. Not because she was in pain. Because shes okay.

I walked closer to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm still really sorry. Maybe if we didn't go to the pizza place you wouldn't have gotten it?" It was really statement but I said it as a question. 

"its alright." I felt her smile against my chest. 

I let her go and she pointed behind me. Awsten was standing behind me, arms crossed over his chest. His eyebrows are furrowed and hes giving me a death glare. 

I put my hands up in surrender. (a/n every single time you throw your white flag down in surrender kms) "What?" I asked.

He walked away still with crossed arms and a pouted face. He stomped as he walked but his socks made the sound muffled. 

I frowned. "Well, I should probably go to bed." She stated. "Wait, why are you up so late?" 

I froze. "Oh, uh. I was worried. I couldn't sleep. That's all." I responded with a smile. She mumbled an oh. 

"Goodnight." she whispered as she walked past me. I watched as she tiredly walked to the stairs. I smiled to myself and sighed.

Once she made her way up stairs, I walked to the couch and plopped down. I shifted my body so I was clear of anything that would break my back as I tried to lay down. 

The white puffball of fur, also known as Lily, jumped up on the couch and made herself comfortable on the little space there was left between my chest and the end of the couch. I closed my eyes and it took a while, but I drifted off to sleep.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now