19{shit, you gotta lay down}19

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{july 1}

{this is like a pre (two day before) fourth of july party}


We have the day off today so we get to do anything we want as long as we stay in the area we are playing in. It's about 9:30 and Geoff, Ariel, Jawn, and I are getting ready to go to a party. These really nice people invited a lot of bands/band members to this party. 

There's going to be drinks, music, fireworks, food, fireworks, and fireworks. It sounds like its gonna be really fun. 

"Does this look good?" Geoff asked as he slid on a shirt that he pulled from his suitcase that was on the floor. He turned around and looked at me. He wore a black Legends Of Zelda shirt and black skinny jeans that were ripped at both knees. 

"Geoff, no matter what I say, you're going to ignore me and wear it anyway. It's your favorite shirt and you've worn it four days in a row." I put my hands on my hips and shifted my weight onto my left leg. 

He ran his hand through his fringe and swept is out of his eyes. "True. But hey! I washed it." He said defensively.

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh yeah, when?" I retorted.

"Earlier when Jawn and I went to go wash everyone's clothes, motherfucker." He stuck his tongue out at me and smirked. I flipped him off and walked into the bathroom, that is super big for a hotel bathroom if I may add. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I took some hairspray and pushed my hair out of my face, spraying it more. 

"Are you retards ready?!" I walked backwards out of the bathroom door to see Jawn waiting impatiently at the front door. I set the can back on the counter and tugged on my jacket to cover my chest more. 

I checked myself in the mirror once more before I walked out. 

{time skip brought to you by Geoff's part in lil kidz bop's song I still love you}

We all walked into the house and we were instantly hit by the stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke. I turned to Ariel and she didn't seem to be fazed by it. 

"Hey, my child. Do you wanna sit outside or something? I don't think the smoke is good for you." I somewhat shouted over the loud music, walking closer to her and pulling her into my side. 

She shook her head. "Its alright, I can deal with it." she shouted back. I let her go and she wandered off. 

"Hey! Don't kiss anyone you don't know!" I yelled. She gave me a thumbs up as she continued to walk in the same direction.

I turned around and the guys were gone. I looked around until I saw that familiar bright red hair. I followed it.

Jawn was standing next to some girls and he already has a drink in his hand. Fuck, that means Geoff already found the drinks. 

I tapped Jawn on the shoulder. "Hey," He turned and looked at me. "where's Geoff?" I asked, looking around. There weren't a whole ton of people but there were just enough for Geoff to blend in. 

"Last time I checked he went thata way." Jawn pointed towards a set of stairs that led down to a basement. I nodded and walked to them. I somewhat jogged down the stairs. 

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I realized there was no more smoke and a lot less people than there are upstairs. There was a big projector screen with YouTube on. A rap music video was currently playing. 

I looked around in the dim lit room. My eyes scanned every face and if I couldn't see a face, then the back of a head. I finally spotted Geoff's chestnut brown hair and shiny silver nose ring. 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now