24{more hair dying cause thats what this family does best}24

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All day, the sky was dark and filled with grey clouds. The sun poked through a few times and the clouds let loose. It started to sprinkle about five times within six hours today.

We are just finishing up our set. "Hey, I don't know how much longer these clouds will hold, but this is our last song and it's a love song that I wrote about the clouds and Geoff's ass. This is called Pink."

Geoff started strumming his guitar. Otto came in with the drums and soon it was my turn. "My hours live in double time. My headache lives between my eyes....."

The tempo slowed when it was time for it to. "Drop it right now, you're one of my favorite few. Can't stop me right now. Like you'd even want..too. I~~~ oh whoa oh oh. One of my favorite, drop it right now..." All of a sudden a loud clap of thunder filled my ears. We continued to play though.

Some people in the crowd started to freak and run for shelter. Others stayed behind. Rain started to pour from the sky and it seemed to hype up the rest of the people that stayed.

We happily finished playing the song. But the only two things that were running through my mind were one, am I going to get electrocuted because of all the wiring? And two, I should probably stop jumping and spinning in circles while playing because I'm going to wind up slipping and falling.

"Thank you! We are goi- wait a second." I walked away from the microphone and to the side where Zakk stood. "Hey, are we doing the meet and greet later?" I asked as Zakk flipped his head upside down to put his hair back into a bun. He nodded his head as it was still flipped over.

I walked back to the microphone. The rain had started to come down even harder. "So, let me continue. We are going to continue with the meet and greet. If it still continues to rain like this, we will probably be over at one of the shelter things." I said, pointing over to the shelter type thing that you would see at a park or at a school for PE. "Be safe guys. Don't slip and fall on a dog, because if you do," I put my mouth against the microphone and cupped it with my hands. "Ill have to execute you. HAHHAHAH."

I turned around and Geoff was unplugging our guitars. I took mine off of my neck and walked carefully to the back of the stage. I handed Zakk my guitar and walked into the trailer. Geoff walked in the back also and soon Otto followed with his snare drum.

They walked into the trailer and set their things down in random spots. I decided to help Otto with his drums and walked back out on the stage. I grabbed the kicky drum thing and walked to the back.


"That meet and greet was so cool!" I yelled as I ran back to the van, the rest of the band/crew following behind me.The sun shined and sweat poured down all of our faces. We arrived and there was a gallon of water sitting on the hood of our van.

I grabbed it, twisted the cap off, turned around and walked between our van and the bus next to ours. Ariel sat down on the hard concrete in front of the van along with Otto and Jawn.

I held the plastic bottle above my head and poured the cold water down onto my burning hot body.

A sigh of pleasure escaped my lips and I, too, sat down on the concrete.

Ariel kept eyeing me, then the ground, then my hair. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke up. "Hey, Dad? Do you think we can get some hair dye when we have time? I wanna try a new color."

I stood back up and walked to her, holding my hand out for her to grab. She did so and I pulled her to her feet.

"Hey, Jawn!" I shouted to the red head who was currently sitting inside the van. "Where's the nearest store?!"

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now