12 {today marks day one, kinda} 12

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A Few Days Later

"Do you all have everything you need?!" Grace yelled out the front door to Dad, Otto, and Geoff who were currently putting their suitcases and bags into a small white van with "Waterparks" written on the side in sharpie. 

"Uh, yeah I have all that i ne- MY LAPTOP. ITS NOT IN MY BAG!!!!" Geoff yelled and ran past me and Grace, into the house. A few seconds later, Geoff came back out with a silver MacBook Air. "Got it." He said calmer than before as he started to walk back over to the van. He held the laptop in the air and almost dropped it on the walk there.

I snort laughed as he turned back to me with a scared expression placed on his face. 

"Come on guys! Hurry up! We need to be on the road in five minutes." A man with red hair said as he walked out from the front of the van. I recently learned that his name was Jawn. His name is spelled pretty weirdly. You'd think it was spelled normally, like John or Jon. But no. His is Jawn. Who would do that to their child. But also who would give their child the name Awsten and not spell it right. I mean, was it like a spelling mistake on the birth certificate? Like, Austen could easily be misread as Awsten in cursive. 

I pushed that to the back of my brain to think about later. I had to focus on getting my bag on my back and saying bye to Grace. 

I walked to Grace and hugged her. "Ill see you in a few months, babydoll." She said with a big smile. I smiled into her chest and she kissed my head. We let go of each other and Dad came up behind me. He also hugged Grace and kissed her. 

I walked to the van and Geoff slid the door open for me. I hopped in and took the seat in the very back. Dad jumped in the passengers seat and Geoff crawled in the back with me, leaving the middle seat open. 

The van jerked forward and soon, everything outside of the vehicle moved behind as we drove. "Hey guys. Get some rest. Its pretty early and its a two and half hour long drive." Jawn said from the drivers seat. I'm sure he only told us to get rest cause the guys are like five year old's, but I'm gonna go with it.

I brought my knees up to my chest and leaned over on the window. I closed my eyes and hoped I could catch up on some sleep.


Its a few hours into the ride but we aren't there yet. Jawn stopped cause Awsten had to pee, like three times. Then we stopped to get gas. I completely lost track of time. Plus we had to pull over because Zakk called and said that when we get there, they are going to give us an actual tour van with bunks and shit. Which is pretty cool, but its gonna be a lot of fuckin money which means we all have to chip in.

"Yo, Jawn. How much longer?" I asked in a whisper, trying not to wake up my sleeping friends.

He looked at the GPS stuck to the dashboard. "We turn up here and make a right and then we are there" He said softly yet enthusiastically. I leaned back in my seat and shut my eyes. I opened them again in less than a second when I realized that Ariel was curled into an almost perfect ball, taking up her seat and the middle seat. 

I smiled to myself and leaned my head back again. Not long after, the van stopped and Jawn screeched. 

"WAKE UP, BITCHES. WE ARE HERE! GET YOUR ASSES UP AND OUT OF THIS VAN BEFORE I SLAP YOU ALL! I'M TIRED OF YOU GUYS, GET OUT!" Awsten and Otto jerked upwards with a look of sheer terror on their faces.

Ariel, squeezed her eyes and opened them. Jawn looked back and his smile dropped. "I'm kidding. I'm sorry. I love you all. Please don't hate me. I just wanted to wake you guys up." he cried out. 

I smirked and Ariel sat up slowly and tiredly. I looked ahead at the front of the van to see Awsten punch Jawn in the arm. Jawn winced and I laughed.

"Awsey, what did I tell you, baby. Don't hurt other people." I said in a high pitched tone. He looked back at me and rolled his eyes.

"Just get out of the van already." Jawn said, unbuckling and opening his door. Everyone got out of the van.

{i'm not sure how warped works so just bare with me and my bad writing}

Zakk, Otto and Awsten share a hotel room and I share one with Ariel and Jawn. Awsten asked Jawn to keep an eye on Ariel and I. I guess my best friend doesn't trust me to be around Ariel alone. Its not like I would even do anything.

 Right now we are getting settled and we are probably going to all go to sleep. We have today to rest so we can get up bright and early tomorrow again start the first show of the tour.

I might get everyone to go swim with me later tonight down at the pool, so that's pretty great.

"I'm going to go take a shower." Ariel said, walking to the bathroom. I jumped on the bed that I share with Jawn and got on one side. 

I curled up and yawned. I closed my eyes and a few minutes later I felt the bed dip as Jawn crawled in with me.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now