23{pokemon and interviews}23

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{wow okay I realized the days are all mixed and unexplained. Okay. Chapter 19 is July 1. 20-22 is all July 2. 20 is the morning, 21 is their day for that date they played. 22 is is the end of that date and this chapter is the next day. Sorry if you were confused. I was writing this and got confused. Carry on}

{ this entire interview is on youtube at the top because I'm pro. just putting this here so I don't get shot by the FBI because of plagiarism. credit to the human that did the interview w/ the lovely angels; I believe her name is Jessica Norton , or Camera By Her Side}


Speaking of birthdays, mine was in a week. On Friday the 8th, I finally turn 17. But I'm sure Dad forgot just like my mom always forgot. Every morning on the 8th, I would sit in my bed waiting for my mom to come and unlock my door. Every morning when she unlocked that door, I'd sit with a big smile planted on my face with my legs crossed and hands tucked in my lap.

Then she would yell at me. Asking me why I was so happy. Why I was awake so early. The entire day she would go clueless. I never told her though. Because she was my mom. Shouldn't she have known it was my birthday? By night time she would finally remember before she passed out. But the next day she would never get me a cake or a card. We were too broke for that kind of luxury.

She always blamed me for us being broke. Just because my father always bought me nice things. By the end of every summer I would have really nice shoes like Vans or Nike's. I would have the nicest dresses and blouses. But he only did all of that because he saw how I would always come home from school when I went to his house for the weekend. Either I would come home with tear stained cheeks and a stuff nose or a few cuts and bruises on my arms or face. It was because the school I was in was a fancy private school where all the girls dressed in the name brand clothing and some guys wore ties with blazers and others wore Diamond shirts and Jordan's.

My mom worked three jobs a week for about 10 years. Monday's, Wednesday's, and Saturday's she worked at the HEB that was down the street from our house for about three hours, then went to her next job which was working at the Hardee's about an hour away. Tuesday and Thursday's she worked one job and that was at the 99 cent store for about nine hours. By the end of the week she came home with about $255. By Sunday she spent half of it on groceries and the other half on alcohol. So when my birthday and Christmas came around, I got about three things all together.

We are in San Diego right now. It's the third of July and the guys played already. We are all sitting on the van. Everyone's in the front lounge all doing their own thing. Dad is sitting next to me texting Grace. Zakk is sitting on the other side of Dad on his phone. Jawn was on his laptop I think editing photos. Otto is eating chocolate. Geoff is sitting with his legs up to his chest and his forehead is resting on his knees. I stared at him, thinking about anything and everything.

About how soft his hands are. How chubby he is. What his hugs feel like. I stopped my thoughts when he started to lift his head. I looked elsewhere because making eye contact with someone you were just staring down is really awkward.

He stood up and started to walk to the counter where the little whiteboard was. Before he reached it, Zakk piped up.

"Don't you dare touch that damn board." He stood up and slid his phone in his pocket.

Geoff backed away. "Why?"

Zakk walked to the board and grabbed it. Dad chimed in. "Because Zakky B With the Good Booty is the only boy who is allowed to write on the board." I laughed at the nickname. How does he come up with all these retarded nicknames for everyone?

"Because y'all like to ruin all the nice things we have." Zakk said. "Why do you need it?" He asked, a hint of annoyance and sass coated his words.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now