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Three rounds into Super Smash, Geoff has finished two sandwiches, his and the rest of mine because I couldn't finish mine. He also has beat me every round. I really suck at this game.

"Do you want to play another game?" Geoff asked, setting his Wii remote on the ground. He turned to look at me.

"Sure, I mean if you want to." i replied, pushing my hair behind my ear.

Geoff grinned and pulled a few games out of the basket. "Which one?" he asked, holding out two mario games. I pointed to Mario Kart and Geoff put the game in the Wii.

I picked up my controller and when he sat back down, i looked at him. "Hey, question." I said.


My heart started to race and my hands started to sweat. I took a deep breath and spoke. "So, you're cute and sweet and I love you a lot and will you be my boyfriend? That was really stupid and not exciting and im sorry, you don't have to say yes."

"yEs!" he almost shouted. He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off of the ground. "I love you, I love you I love you." he cried out.

I smiled like a goofball and he engulfed me into a hug, rotating both of us from side to side. As this happened, I smiled into his chest.

And thats the story of how I grew some balls and asked Geoff to be my boyfriend last night. We are currently laying in bed, Geoff fast asleep on his stomach with his arm draped over my stomach and me staring up at the ceiling, wondering what my life would be like if my parents were still here. 

But fuck that shit, I like this life better. This shit cool as fu*K. 

I turned my head to look at Geoff. He was breathing out of his mouth and he was sucking in his fringe, so I pushed his fringe behind his ear and smiled.

His eyes fluttered open and they landed on mine. "Good morning Mr. Cuddle." his response was a short eye-squeeze and a small smile. "You know you really like to cuddle thing when you sleep. Last night you pushed me off of the bed just to grab my pillows and hug them." I stated and chuckled.

"oH SO THAT'S WHAT THAT LOUD CRASH WAS! I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST MY DREAM!" I laughed and adjusted the pillow under my head. 

"YeAH! That hurt." I said, rubbing my elbow. I yawned and Geoff pulled me closer to him. 

He pushed his head into the crease of my neck and yawned also. "Can we go back to sleep? I was having a nice dream." 

I laughed. "yeah, why not." And that is the longest we have ever slept, from seven thirty in the morning to six at night.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now