14 {stay away from ariel} 14

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Dad shouted.

Me, Geoff and Awsten were standing outside of the pool. I had my towel wrapped around my shaking body. 

Geoff kind of went speechless. He tried to speak but the words wouldnt come out. "Huh? What was that!?" Dad shouted again, throwing his hand out in my direction.

"I-it was just a kiss." I said softly, looking down. 

Dad freaked out even more. "I dont want that happening! Geoff, what did I say?!" He yelled, walking towards Geoff. "Huh? What did I say?"

"No." Geoff said just above a whisper. He walked backwards as dad walked towards him. Soon Geoff was being pushed against the fence.

"What was that?" Dad asked, angry. 

"No. You said no." Geoff said, this time a bit louder. 

Dad gave Geoff a death glare. I felt my cheeks heat up and tears burning the edges of my eyes. "Thats right. Dont you dare do it again. I dont want you touching her. Not even the slightest brush up against her. Am I clear?"

The tears started to flow freely, one by one. I hated when people got yelled at, especially me. Even though im not the one getting yelled at. I stood there, staring at Geoff. The fear in his eyes was enough to make me burst out into tears. 

Geoff nodded and Dad took his hands off of Geoffs shoulders. He took a deep breath and grabbed me by the arm. He started to drag me back to the hotel.

I looked back at Geoff. Then over to Jawn and Otto that were sitting in the pool, staring at me and Dad. 

We made it out of the pool area and started to walk up the stairs. "You're sleeping with me tonight. I dont want you with Geoff." He said. He let go of my arm when we made it to the top of the stairs. We made it to his room and i went to the bathroom. I changed into one of Dad's oversized shirts and crawled on the couch. 

I faced the back to make sure I avoid any eye contact with him. But that didnt stop him communicating with me. 

"Ariel. Im sorry. I just dont want you to get hurt." was all he said. I heard one of the beds squeak. 

I sighed and put my arms between my thighs. "it's fine. I didnt really care. I mean, it wasnt anything. I mean... Uh. It didnt mean anything I guess. I dont know. We're just friends." I spoke softly. I could feel my warm breath hit my face. 

"Okay." was all he said. He turned out the light and all I could think about is how Geoff was feeling. Or are they all still swimming. Are they going to get sleep for the show tomorrow, well. Today. 

I closed my eyes and waited for the blackness to take over. 

(an// jesus. i just saw that i have 1.3k on this story. that was so fast. thank you guys for reading and voting for this story. thank you thank you thank you)


The aroma of sweat and weed mixed together makes my head hurt but we have to be on stage in a few minutes. I asked Jawn to get me some Advil like ten minutes ago, but he still isnt here. I just hope he makes it back before we go on.

I have been very distant from everyone since last night. I havent talked to Awsten since he left me scared to death against the fence. Otto has tried talking to me but all i can do is run or ignore him. The most anyone has gotten out of me was "Can you get me Advil?" and that was to Jawn.

Zakk, our tour manager, walked out from a corner and said "Thirty seconds guys!" Just as Zakk was about to walk away, Jawn came running up the steps, sweat speckled formed on his forehead. 

"Here." Jawn said, out of breath. He threw a pill bottle at me and I picked it up, unscrewing the lid and taking two pills out. I grabbed my water bottle, took a sip then swallowed the pill. 

"You guys are on!" Zakk yelled. Awsten went out first, lifting the neck of his guitar so it didnt hit the wall, then Otto, and me last. I walked over to my position and looked into the crowd. 

Holy! The crowd grew since 2013. I tried to keep my cool. 

"Whats up? Were a band called waterparks and we like Wheat Thins." Awsten spoke into the microphone. People started laughing and I smiled. "This is a song called Crave." 

I moved my fingers on the right fingerings and started to strum. Otto's drums came in and so did Awstens voice. I started to run around the stage once we got into the first chorus. I looked back over to where we ran in from and saw Ariel standing there. Her blue and purple hair blowing over her face.

I smiled and she smiled back. I turned back around to see Awsten standing near me, still playing his parts. He glared at me and i ran back over to my spot on the right side of the stage.

Man, this is going to be hard to keep a friendship with Ariel. Fuck

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now