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I gripped tighter to Ariel's hand as we walked up to the driveway. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans and a black, off-the-shoulder, sorta flowy top that came a little bit past her butt. She was dressed all cute while I was dressed like a slug. I wore a Ray-Bans Cat shirt with various different shades of blue everywhere, a jean jacket over that, and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees. "Are you sure this is the place?" Ariel asked, looking up and down the large house. 

Lights were flashing in the house, loud music was rattling my skull, and through the living room window, you could see a bunch of teenagers dancing. 

I looked at Ariel and she turned her head to look at me. "Of course! This is my best friend's house." I exclaimed, tugging on her hand and running up the driveway. We stepped inside the house.

Typical high school party, there was alcohol everywhere, everyone was smoking weed, and there was shitty techno music. I pushed my way through the crowd of drunken kids, still holding tightly to Ariel's hand.

We turned the corner and walked into the kitchen. I see the person I'm looking for, the black haired, thin photographer, the girl that I like to call JJ, also known as Jewel. She was sitting on the counter, swinging her legs back and fourth. She was talking to a tall guy who was leaned against the counter that was opposite the one she was sitting on. He held a beer in his hand and stared at her as she rambled on about, most likely photography. 

On one of the other counters were a few beer bottles. As I started to walk to Jewel with Ariel by me, I grabbed a beer off of the counter. Ariel nudged my arm, causing me to look at her. She was frowning and her eyebrows furrowed. "Geoff," she said, sounding disappointed. 

"But, Ariel." I whined. She threw her head back, dropping my hand. I smacked the top of the beer bottle on the counter, popping off the cap. I shoved the cap into my back pocket and took a sip, cringing at the taste. 

I reached out to grab Ariel's hand, but she snatched it away, crossing her arms over her chest and walking away. I sighed and took one last big sip of the bitter drink. I looked at the bottle and back behind me, to the doorway Ariel walked out of and disappeared into the crowd. 

I let the bottle hang down by my side as I walked over to Jewel. "Oh hey Geoff! Geoff, this is Garret, Garret this is Geoff." Jewel said, smiling as hopped off of the counter and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Uh, hey. I'm going to go walk around." I said, pointing back behind me to the same doorway Ariel walked through. 

Jewel nodded her head and hopped back up onto the counter, continuing her conversation with Garret. 

I started to wander around, looking for Ariel. She wasn't anywhere to be seen inside so I walked outside into the backyard. There were only a few people standing and talking. In the middle of the yard was a big trampoline with white Christmas lights lining the bottom part on the outside and lining the top of the screen. There were also a whole lot more white Christmas lights connecting from the trampoline to the patio overhang. There were a bunch of solar lights lining the grass around the house. Even though it was only 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the lights lit up the backyard and made it really pretty.

Inside the large trampoline, sat a small brown haired girl that wore square glasses, the girl I love.She was looking down at her hands, playing with her fingers. I dropped the barely half empty beer bottle in the outside trashcan and walked over to the trampoline. 

I hopped up on the trampoline and crawled in, making the thing bounce with every move I made. I sat crisscrossed in front of Ariel, poking her leg. She looked up at me with sad eyes. 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now