20{hangovers suck}20

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It took fourteen hours to get Geoff out of bed at the hotel, but we managed to do it. We had to stop and pick up the van at five in the morning because, you know, it broke down like a week ago? I think? Now we are on the road to the next city. Its half past six and we have been hearing Geoff complain for an hour and a half. We have another almost two hours to go.

"My head hurts." Geoff cried. I was sitting next to him on the couch in the front lounge. You could hear Dad and Otto groan from the bunks. I took my jacket sleeve and wiped away the tears that fell from Geoff's eyes. The van/bus thing hit a bump in the road and Geoff yelped. "Ow!!" He whined loudly.

"Stop crying you big baby. This happens all the time. If you know this happens after, why do you continue to drink the way you do?" Dad shouted from the bunk room.

Geoff's body crashed over to the side and he landed on me. He curled in a ball and placed his head on my lap. "It hurts." He whispered as he let out a soft sob.

I pulled my jacket sleeves back over my hands and wiped his cheek again. "it's only gonna continue hurting if you keep crying, dummy." I stroked his hair with my fabric covered hand and the bus hit another bump.

I felt him stiffen up and then relax. The bus stopped.

"Anyone have to pee?" I heard a thump as someone jumped from a bunk onto the floor. Dad came sliding on the hard wood as he ran out of the bunk alley.

"Me!" He shouted. Geoff stiffened up again and put his hands over his head. I laced my fingers together and placed my hands on top of his.

Dad looked over at us and glared at Geoff. I furrowed my eyebrows. Otto walked up behind Dad and put his hand on his back. He realized that Dad was getting mad because of the position Geoff was in.

"Just give it a break. The poor guy is upset." Otto said, pushed Dad forward towards the sliding door of the van.

I took my hands off of Geoff's and pulled his hands off his head. "Hey, do you want something to eat, drink? I could get you some Tylenol or Advil." He nodded his head against my thighs and slowly sat up. He only moved up far enough so I could slide out from under him and stand.

I walked to my bunk and grabbed a blanket. I walked back out to Geoff and flapped the blanket. I covered him with it and he snuggled into it.

I put my shoes on and walked off the van. I took in the scenery of the really nice gas station. I looked around and we were in some sort of fancy town. I don't know any other way to explain it.

I walked across the parking lot and into the store. "Advil, Advil." I whispered to myself as I looked down the aisles. I spotted the blue box and picked it up. Now, to find Dad. I checked in the only spot he would be in. In front of the orange juice fridge.

He stood at the door for a few seconds, then opened it and grabbed a bottle. I walked up to him and showed him the box. He looked at the box, then to me.

I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say something but he didn't. He took the box from me and walked to the counter. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and walked up to the counter also. I placed it up and looked out of the glass door to the van as Dad paid.

I felt Dad place his hand on my back as he started to walk to the door. I looked up at him and followed. We walked to the van and Jawn slid the door open for us. Dad handed me the box of Advil and the water. I walked onto the bus after he did and Jawn closed the door behind us.

I felt the engine rattle the van as I sat down. I looked at Geoff and there were tears flowing out of his closed eyes.

"Here," I said as I sat on the floor in front of him. I opened the box, then the bottle and pulled out one pill. I set it on my knee as I sat crisscrossed. I closed the bottle and opened up the water bottle. "Hey, sit up for a second." I said softly. He moved like a sloth. I handed him the pill and the opened bottle of water.

He placed the pill in his mouth and took a sip of the water. His eyes squeezed shut and a few more tears spilled out.

"Try and sleep for a bit, you didn't get much last night." I stood up and he laid back down. I walked to my bunk, grabbed two pillows and another blanket, and went back out to the front.

I placed one pillow on the couch and Geoff lifted his head so I could slide the pillow under. He closed his eyes.

I walked to the other couch and put a pillow and blanket down. I laid down so I was facing Geoff. He looked so sad, it made me really sad looking at him. I turned around and looked at the back of the couch.

Dad seemed really upset. But he needs to calm himself. He needs to let loose on Geoff and I. He can't stop us from being friends. I mean, for fucks sake. Geoff is in a lot of pain.

It sounded like, from what Dad said earlier, that Geoff drinks a lot all the time and he knows that. So, if a party is probably the only place Geoff could drink, not saying it is the only place he could drink, then Dad shouldn't have invited Geoff to the party. Or he should've just made Geoff stay by him the entire time.

I gave up on thinking because now my head is starting to hurt. I turned back around and looked at Geoff again. His cheeks were stained with tears. His breathing steadied and there was little tiny snores escaping his opened mouth. You could hear the stuffiness of his nose as he breathed.

He was pretty attractive if I do say so myself. His eyes were the perfect almond shape and they were tilted towards his eyebrows just the slightest. His nose was a cute little triangular shape. His hair cut complimented his face, not that you could see that now because his hair is all over his face and covering it. His lips are not to nonexistent but not too plump. His skin is super pale.

Every now and then he would breathe a super shaky breath. Sometimes he would crack a small smile. He didn't move a lot though. Except for now. He pushed his legs out towards the other end of the couch and laid flat on his stomach. He turned his head to face the back of the couch.

Dammit. Great, thanks buddy. I sighed and turned back to face the back of my couch. I closed my eyes and so many things flooded my mind all at once that I had this one big, scary, funny, cute dream.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now