35{ya really fricked it up this time}35

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{this story isn't going anywhere so i guess im just going to make it an ongoing story until i finally give up or until theres a good ending. im starting another story and none of yall are going to know what it is until i publish it. ive been working on it for about a month now and im planning on having a lot of chapters ready so i can have them pre-written. none of this is making sense, but yeah, im just up here letting yall know whats going on with this damn story}


"Are you gonna do it, or what?" Josh asked impatiently.

I sighed. "I don't know, I'm nervous. What if it sucks?" I asked, holding tightly to the computer mouse.

"You suck, now press the damn button." Josh groaned, playfully pushing on my shoulder.

I looked up behind me to see Otto chewing on his finger nails and Geoff looking at the computer screen, holding onto the ends of his hair and picking at them. I looked back at the computer screen and took in a deep breath. "Okay," I said milliseconds before I pressed the 'yes' button.

Your song has now been released to iTunes, Spotify, and Pandora! Congratulations! showed in big blue letters on the computer screen. Otto, Geoff and Josh all jumped in excitement.

"Dude! This is so cool!" Geoff shouted in my ear. I flinched.

"I know right!" Otto shouted also. I looked back to see Geoff and Otto holding hands and jumping around in a circle. I stood up off of my chair and threw my body at Josh.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I repeated, hugging Josh and swinging him back and forth. I kissed his cheek multiple times before he pushed me off of him.

Geoff and Otto pulled me into their little circle and made a group hug.

I promise, it was wayyy more exciting than it sounds.


"Aw, dolly, that's such a pretty color!" Grace squealed as she walked up to me and sat down in the chair next to me, watching as the lady swiped the wet, colored brush on my fake, concrete nails.

Grace took me to come get my nails done with her. Acrylic nails aren't really my thing, but Grace kept on insisting it would be a fun thing to do, seeing as Dad and the guys were at the studio and are going to be there til like midnight. She also wont let me pay for my own nails.

I got some weird shape, they look like a coffin and I think that's what they are called. The nice Asian lady is painting them like a really pretty dark matte, maroon color and my ring fingers have gold sparkles. I have to admit, they are really nice, but its going to be a bare trying to do things with seven foot long sidewalks growing out of my fingers.

"When your nails are done and dry, wanna get some ice cream?" Grace asked, pulling her phone out of her pink shoulder bag.

"Sure, why not." I said, watching the lady finish my pinkie nail.

Grace pulled out a small wallet and held it against her phone in her hand. "Good, because we were gonna get it anyways. I'm craving some chocolate shiz." I giggled at her cuteness. I looked over to her and she pulled her sunglasses down onto her nose.

The lady screwed the brush back into the bottle and stood up. "Come, come." She said, her voice muffled by the face mask thing over her mouth. I stood up and followed her a few feet over to a "drying" station. I stuck my hands under the overhand thing and the purple light warmed my cold skin.

"Don't touch until dry, okay?" The lady demanded, her cute Asian accent filling my ears. I nodded and looked over to Grace as the small lady walked to the counter.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now