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Ariel's birthday is in a few days and I want to do something special. Maybe like have a little birthday party. I think the 8th is a free day, so I wanna do something fun. Like go bowling or go to a theme park or go swimming, or gO TO A WATER PARK! Stop Awsten, you're dumb. Okay.

It's about 9:30 and we are finishing up the night and putting everything away into our trailer. I carried three boxes, each belonging to Otto, Geoff and I, filled to the top with gifts we have received from the fans. I never thought someone cared and like us enough to actually give us gifts. Like, there are an assortment of letters, from one where people are telling us that our music or us have saved their lives to random funny letters with puns filling the page. There's drawings of the band ourselves or our album artwork. So many people have given me these little stuffed unicorns with big bug eyes. I probably have over thirty of them since being on this tour and the tour with NSN. I don't even think I have ever said anything about liking them. But its alright because they are cute and I can start a collection when I get home. 

I set the boxes down in the back of the trailer. I turned around and wiped the sweat forming on my forehead. Jawn walked in with Geoff's guitar case and set it on top of mine. 

"Hey, what state are we going to be in on the 8th?" I asked Jawn.

He looked up at me and sigh, placing his hands on his hips and shifting his weight over to his left leg. He looked up at the wooden ceiling and pursed his lips. "Uh," he paused. He looked back to me and continued to speak. "I think we will be in Orlando Florida. Why?" 

"Oh, being it was our day off, I figured we could spend the day at a theme park or something." I don't want to tell anyone because I know everyone is living on this van  for two months has a big ass mouth and will tell the presidents deep secrets. 

Otto walked up the ramp with one last box and set it down. He ran the back of his forearm across his forehead and sighed, before bending down and placing his hands on his knees. 

"That's a work out." Otto said, straightening his body back up.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. "YOU DONT NEED TO WORK OUT. YOU ALREADY LOOK LIKE A GOD!"  He got scared at first but laughed once he realized I was joking. 

"Get in the van, we are leaving in a few!" Zakk yelled from the inside of the van. Otto, Jawn and I stepped out of the trailer and locked it up. We got inside the van and all got in our bunks. 

I got under my blanket and opened my phone to see a missed facetime call from Grace. I pressed the call back thing and the phone ringed and ringed. About ten seconds later, Grace's beautiful face popped up on the small screen. 

"Oh how I miss your face." I sighed romantically. She smiled. She had a face mask on and she was eating cookies. 

"Oh how I miss your butt." She replied with a mouth full of cookie. It was the most grossest, yet cutest thing I have seen today, besides Jawn.


"Hey, Ariel, you okay?"  I asked through the closed door.  A groan came from inside of the bathroom. "Do you need me to come in?" 

Ariel said she was feeling sick earlier. She was also acting a little strange and giggly. She mumbled a yeah. 

I grabbed the door knob and pushed down, letting the door pop open. I stepped inside and she was sitting on the floor against the wall. Her head was tilted upwards.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, walking to her and sitting down in front of her. 

She looked at me and sighed. "I maybe.. kinda.. had a few shots." She giggled then groaned. She rolled her body forwards and let it land on mine. "Or like 10."

Her head was placed on one of my legs and she looked to the side, all while her legs were still crossed. 

"With who?" I asked, somewhat concerned. 


I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arms. I stood up and pulled her up with me. "Alright, lets go." I mumbled. "Let's get you back to the bus. You might just need some sleep. 

I held Ariel up by her waist and walked her out of the bathroom and outside to where the buses were supposed to be. 

"Uh, where's our van?" I asked to no one in general. 

Ariel looked up ahead, suddenly standing up straight. "Did they leave without us?" She started to panic. "Geoff, they left without us! What do we do?!" 

I dropped my hand from her waist and started to look around. It was almost pitch black out. The only thing that was helping me see was the street lamp that was shining above us. "Okay, don't freak out. Let me call Awsten."

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and typed in Awsten's phone number. It rang about six times before he picked up.

"Uh, why are you calling me?" Awsten said in a confused tone. 

"Uh, when did you guys leave?" I said, mocking him with the 'uh'. 

I heard movement on the other end. Awsten went silent and you could hear Otto ask what was wrong in the background.

"Geoff, I don't know what to do." Awsten started to panic. "I don't know if we can turn back..." the line went silent for less than a second then there was muffled voices. "Geoff is back at the venue!"

I spoke up. "Awsten, its Ariel and I." I could hear the annoyance and anger in his sigh. He mumbled 'fuck' and went silent again for about thirty seconds.

Jawn's voice could be somewhat heard in the background, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. "Okay, I want you two to find a motel or something. You have the band's credit card, right?" 


"Alright, just find a decent place to stay for the night and early in the morning Jawn will come get y'all. Just, don't... and I mean don't... touch Ariel in any way, shape or form. Be up by five." Awsten demanded. 

"Okay, goodnight." I said. I went to pull the phone away from my ear but Awsten spoke again.

"Call me when you get to a motel." I said okay. "Night." 

I hung up and looked Ariel. Her eyes were watering and she was breathing heavily. "Hey, what's wrong?" 

She looked up at me and a tear slipped out and rolled down her cheek. "This is my fault. We're gonna get lost and we have nothing, no food, water, phone chargers-" 

I wiped the tear from her cheek and held her chin up with my finger. "Hey, hey. Its alright. We're going to get a motel and we will get food and water. Its going to be alright. None of this is your fault." I reassured her. 

She took a deep breath in and exhaled. "But where are we going to get the money?" She asked, looking down at our feet, her new dark brown hair falling into her face.

"I have the band's credit card." I said. I pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry. It's alright." 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now