31{scared cuddles}31

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I have no idea what the fuck is going on, but Ariel and I haven't spoken to each other since last night when Awsten came in a talked to us. I'm confused. Did she suddenly change her mind? 

I'm also confused about what Awsten said. We cant touch in public because its against the law. But, how is anyone going to know how old we are? Like, a random person walks out from Macy's and sees Ariel and I holding hands. They aren't going to come up to us like "THESE TWO ARE TOGETHER AND SHES UNDER AGE. HES NINETEEN. HES GOING TO RAPE HER. POLICE, POLICE!!" That's dumb. Its not going to happen. They are just going to walk by and go on with their daily life.

I miss Ariel, but school is almost over anyways. There's like ten more minutes until dismissal. The entire day, I was contemplating on whether I should ask Ariel out, or should I wait and see if she hates me now. I don't know what to do. I just want to hug her right now. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as the teacher babbled on about some dumb chemical combustion thing. I don't really care. 

I unlocked my phone to see four texts from Ariel from two minutes ago. I tapped on the messages and read them to myself.

2:30//Ariel: They are staring at me again. 

2:32//Ariel: Its making me really uncomfortable. 

2:38//Ariel: Geoff, they keep looking back at me and laughing. What do I do?

2:43//Ariel: I'm leaving class. There's no point in staying because there is two minutes left. 

I felt upset. My heart raced and my leg started to bounce up and down. I gripped onto my phone and another message popped up.

2:44//Ariel: Geoff, they followed me. 

2:44//Geoff: Okay, give me a minute. 

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and raised my hand. "Sir, may I be excused?"

"For what, Mr. Wigleton?" The teacher asked, placing the marker that he was using to write on the whiteboard down on the metal bar. I cringed at the mispronunciation of my last name.

"Uh, its Wigington." I said softly, correcting him. "And I need to use the restroom. Like really bad." 

The teacher sighed. "Cant it wait, class is almost over." I shook my head really fast. "Okay, whatever. Go ahead." 

I smiled, grabbing my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder. I ran to the door. "Pardon me." I said, grabbing the door handle and rushing out of the room. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. 

2:45//Geoff: where are you?

I ran down the stairs and speedily walked to the other side of the school. It took about five minutes for her to respond.

2:51//Ariel: I'm walking into the gym right now. 

I turned the corner and rushed down the hallway that led to the gym. I pushed the doors open and Ariel was standing at the back wall. 

Two other girls were standing in front of her. 

"Aw, look at her cute little face. Shes scared. Awhhah." A voice echoed throughout the empty gym. 

"Would be a shame if something happened to it. Maybe he wont like your not-so-pretty little face anymore." Another voice said, a chuckle following directly after the sentence. 

I started to walk closer to them. 

Ariel spoke up. "W-what do you mean? Who's he?" She asked, fear coating every word.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now