42{super smash}42

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Dad looked over at me and smiled. "Ya likey?" he asked with excitement in his eyes. 

I nodded. "Yeah, this is really pretty!" He slid the door open and we walked out into the cool fall air. 

In our backyard there are two decently sized trees next to each other. So, under both trees was a large sheet on the grass, a few pillows and blankets, a really long sheet connecting from one tree to the other, creating a backdrop type thing and from the top of that sheet, hanging from tree to tree to the patio roof of the house were blinking white fairy lights. Around the perimeter of the floor sheet were a bunch of those fake candlelights.

"What's this for?" I asked, turning to look at Dad. 

He laughed. "You... Well, and Geoff. You're going to ask him out tonight." Dad said like it was obvious. 

My eyes went wide and my heart raced. "Wait, what? I can't do that! I don't know how!" I exclaimed.

He laughed again. "Of course you can. And look." He turned around, facing the back of the house and pointed. I turned with him. "Theres a projector and you guys can play the Wii and watch movies and Youtube. Its going to be fun. And if he asks, you set this up, I just helped a little."

I sighed, giving in. "Okay, fine." Dad got even happier.

"ALright! Ill be back!" He exclaimed. He ran back into the house.

 I turned around and walked towards the little setup he has going on here. I took a seat on the soft fabric and looked around. The sun was setting which made this look even prettier. 

A few minutes passed and Dad walks out of the house with Geoff by his side. Geoff is wearing his cute navy blue button down shirt with black skinny jeans and black socks. 

He looked amazed as his eyes darted from decoration to decoration. It was cute. 

Dad whispered something to him then smacked Geoff's butt. Then Geoff started to walk towards me. My eyes followed his every move until he sat down next to me. 

"Hi cutie." He said, looking at me. I smiled and chuckled.

"Thats a weird way to pronounce ugly." I joked. His eyes squinted and his lips formed into a frown. "I'm just kidding." His pout turned back to a smiled.

We kind of sat in silence for a bit. "Wow, this is awkward." I said. 

Geoff laughed softly and nodded. "Yeah..." A few more seconds of silence went by before the sliding door slid open again. 

Dad was standing at the doorway, holding a picnic basket. "Here, forgot this in the kitchen." Dad said as he walked to us. He chuckled and set the basket down, right before running back inside.

Geoff opened the basket and pulled out food. By food, I mean two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches horribly wrapped in Saran wrap. Geoff and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Bone apple queef, I guess." I said, laughing after and Geoff joining in. He handed me a sandwich and we unwrapped them together. 

"Did you do this?" Geoff asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.

I thought for a second whether I should tell him it was Dad or if I should tell him I did it. But then I remembered that Dad said that if he asks, I did it and Dad helped. "Yup, yup. All me. Well Dad helped a little, but other than that, all me!" I said. He laughed and I pointed over beside him. He looked down and there sat the Wii U. "We can play Wii if you want. I don't know what games I brought out."

Geoff set the sandwich down and turned his entire body around, then turned back towards me holding a basket of Wii games. He started to look through them and soon pulled out Super Smash Bros. "When we're done, can we play this?" He asked, picking his sandwich back up and took a bite after.

I smiled at his geekiness and nodded. "Sure, why not." 

~tO Be cONtINuED~

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now