37{another chance,,,,,, i guess}37

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That's it, I think I lost her. I lost her and I don't know if I'll ever be able to get her back. Curse me and my stubborn self. I was selfish, I wanted to feel that high, to feel like I was walking on clouds, and I hurt the people around me. 

I don't even remember anything that happened last night, except for the part where the one girl, the one girl that has a soft, sweet voice, the one girl that didn't care for herself, only for the ones around her, the one amazing girl that I loved with my, not heart, but my entire body, I watched her walk out of my room in tears because of some shitty thing I said to her. I cant remember exactly what that one shitty thing was, but all I remember is it wasn't true and I didn't mean it.

It's 11:30 in the morning and I haven't left my bed. The main reason for this is because if I even try to stand up, it'll feel like my head is going to fall off. It hurts to blink, cry, breathe, and even move my arm the slightest. I've been crying all night and morning, which probably is going to help with my headache at all. I would ask Awsten for some Advil but I think he hates me. 

I tried my best to turn onto my side without pain. A few tears slipped out of my eyes as I thought about the last few times I had this bad of a hangover. Ariel would lay me down in her lap and caress my cheek and rub circles in my back and pet my head and tell me it would be alright. She would tell me every time "Crying only makes it worse, silly." 

I tried to hold in the tears, and it worked for about a minute until it felt like a nail was just shoved through my skull. I sobbed into my half length body pillow, covered in a silky, black pillowcase that I had in between my knees. The darkness beneath my closed eyes grew darker second by second before I dozed off.

{time skip like idk two or three days, idc, brought to you buy geoffs emo phase}


I woke up to the sound of loud music playing from my phone, indicating it was time to wake up for school. I groaned, squeezing my already closed eyes. I rolled over in my bed and slapped my phone that was sitting on the nightstand.

After like, probably a minute (who knows, I'm half asleep, who counts the seconds going by to find out how long they were laying in bed???) I got up and tiredly walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of khaki skinny jeans, a tight floral shirt, and a pair of black socks. 

As I closed my drawers, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I choked, realizing I looked like a tiger and a giant sewer rat mated and had a baby, that baby being me. "Holy shit," I muttered, leaning in towards the mirror and running my fingers over my cheek. 

Over the weekend, I suddenly turned into the molester moon emoji. My face broke out, probably from all of the stress I'm under. Ariel, you're like ten. How badly could you be stressed? You may be mentally asking yourself.

 I still haven't decided what I'm going to do about this Geoff situation. That sounds pretty shitty, I don't know why but it just does. I sound like a white mom talking to her group of other moms like, "Oh, I don't know what to do with Corey. He bit Kasey's kid, Jack. I don't know if I should never let Jack and Corey talk again, or ever let Corey out of the house. I don't know what to do." 

It's not like that. Its more like, "I really like Geoff and I really want to believe what Dad told me about him. I want to give him another chance to try and change, by stopping himself from drinking alcohol again. But I also don't know if he will ever change." 

I sighed to myself and dropped my clothes to the floor over by my floor mirror. I sat down and opened up my makeup bag, slapping on random things of makeup. I covered the small, red, bumpy spot on my cheek with concealer and went over my face with a light amount of foundation. I put on some warm brown eyeshadows on my eyes and finished it off with some mascara. 

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now