9 {don't go to dinner with geoff} 9

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"Grace!" Dad yelled as he ran around the house. The dogs were running after him and barking. The barking and stomping got quieter as Dad ran up the stairs.

"Hey." I heard a small voice behind me. I turned around to see Otto walking to the couch. "What are you doing sitting on the floor?"

I scratched the back of my neck. "Oh, I don't know. uh-"

"Come sit up here." He said patting a spot on the couch. I awkwardly stood up and sat down on the couch, leaving a space between Otto and I. "So. I like your hair." He tried making small talk.

"Oh thanks. Hah, I sorta messed up pretty bad. I was trying to make it kinda dark pink but it somehow turned purple." I said, crossing my legs on the couch and looking at my sock covered feet.

"it still looks really cool." I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"So, anyone want to go eat out??" Otto and I both jumped at the voice that was behind us.

Otto put his hand on his chest. "Jesus Geoff. You scared the crap out of me." Geoff leaned over the couch and somewhat hugged Otto.

"I'm sorry. Are you guys hungry?" Geoff asked, looking over to me. I shrugged.

Otto spoke, "yeah. Kind of."

Geoff let go of Otto and I watched as he ran up the stairs. A few minutes later he came back down the stairs. But his facial expression was way different than it was when he went up.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, laughing at his cute face.

"Um. Awsten was.. Um.. Nope." his eyes went wide and he walked over to us and sat in the little arm chair.

Otto raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"They were doing stuff." Otto and I looked at each other and started laughing. "Hey! It wasn't funny! They could at least LOCK THE DOOR!" Geoff shouted the last part.

"Man," Otto put a hand on his chest again, trying to catch his breath. "I'd hate to see that."

Geoff crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. "So are we going out to eat? Or..." I asked looking over at Geoff.

He stood up. "yeah, if you want." He smiled.

"I don't mind." I stood up also, flattening out the back of my skirt.

"What about you, Otto?" Geoff asked, looking down at his phone.

Otto mumbled a "yeah" and stood up with us. Geoff walked to the front door and put his phone back into his front pocket. "Awsten! When you're done fucking around with Grace we will probably be back home. We will bring you left overs!" I let out a breathy laugh and pulled my long sleeves over my hands.

Otto, Geoff and I walked to the car and got in. "Where to guys?" Geoff asked as he buckled himself in. I shrugged my shoulders.

"What about pizza?" Otto chimed in from the middle seat in the back.

"Ariel?" Geoff looked over at me.

"sure, it doesn't really matter. I'll eat anywhere." I said. Geoff nodded and pulled out of the garage.


"Would you guys like a box to go?" I looked up from my lap to see a lady hovering over our table. He name card read "Angela".

"Um, yes please." Otto said. The lady put a plastic thing on the table holding the receipt and a pen. She walked away and Otto pulled out some money from his wallet. He slid the money in the pocket on the plastic thing and signed the paper.

Soon the lady came back with two black Styrofoam boxes. She exchanged the boxes for the plastic thingy. "Keep the change." Otto said. They both smiled at each other.

"Thank you, have a great night guys." She said, eyeing Geoff. To be honest, a wave of jealousy hit me in the face and I don't know why.

Geoff grabbed the rest of the pizza slices and put them into a box and the pizza sticks into the other box. He stood up and grabbed the boxes, that being Otto's cue to stand up. I slid out of the booth and stood.

We walked to the door and Geoff said, "Have a nice night!"

On the whole ride home my stomach was bothering me. Its not very normal for my stomach to hurt. Like, this pain I am experiencing has only happened twice in my life; when I was five and i had gotten stabbed in the stomach with a twig by my cousin and when I was 10 and i swallowed a penny. Don't judge me, I was not a very smart kid.

I kept quiet, knowing it'll hopefully pass once we get home. But that wasn't the case. Currently, I am laying on the bathroom floor, my arms hugging my stomach and my knees pulled up to my chest. Grace was sitting on the wall of the tub and Dad was pacing around the bathroom.

"I don't know what to do. I didn't know that this was a part of being a human." I cracked my eye lids just enough to see that dad had his hands tangled in his bright blue hair. I squeezed my eyes back shut and scrunched myself up into a ball even more.

"Calm down, Awsten. If anything happens, we will go to the hospital." Grace said, reassuringly rubbing my back. But she stopped once I unraveled myself and got on my knees, crawling over to the toilet. "Aw dolly." I felt Grace sit next to me.

I threw my head over the toilet and threw up. I heard dad moan and a thump. Grace held my hair back and waited til i was done to drop it back down.

I rolled onto the floor again and curled into a ball. "Here, baby." I opened my eyes and looked up. Grace had a wet washcloth in her hands and she placed it on my forehead. I flinched as a single drop of water slid down my temple.

"What do we do?!? Do we take her to the hospital?" Dad whined.

"I-I'm fin-" I was cut off as i was currently choking on a cough. (a/n as i was spelling cough i accidentally spelled it as couch. whoops, felt like i needed to say that. carry on(a/n inside and a/n, i'm currently editing all chapters and read this and i'm laughing a lot.))

"No you're not. Come on." He walked over to me and picked me up, leaving me in the fetal position i was in. He carried me out of the bathroom and stopped as Geoff came running down the hall.

"Whats wro- Ariel, are you okay!?" Geoff asked worriedly, walking with Dad and Grace down the hall. I shook my head.

"Geoff, just feed the dogs and meet us at the hospital if you can." Dad rushed his words. He walked out of the front door, Grace following closely behind.

"Dad...you're overreac...ting its probab..ly just a st...omach bug." I coughed in between each word. He ignored me as he laid me in the back seat. He hopped in the drivers seat and Grace got in the back with me.

She somewhat buckled me in a safe way as I am laying down on the seat. I don't know how she managed. Dad drove and Grace caressed my head that was currently placed on her lap. I closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now