13 {tag you're it} 13

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"Ariel," A name whispered near my face. I suddenly felt something poking my cheek. "Wake up." It continued until I opened my eyes.

I groaned and rolled on my side. My eyes met a shirtless Geoff sitting on the open side of the bed, legs crisscrossed.

My eyes went wide and I almost rolled off the bed. "Jesus, dude." I rolled my eyes behind closed eyelids and opened them again waiting for them to adjust to the dim lit room. "What time is it?" I mumbled.

He looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, it was three am when I started to poke you and tell you to wake up. But it is now three o'four." I sat myself kinda up, holding my upper body with my arms behind me. 

I whined, "Why did you wake me up so early? The sun isnt even close to rising." 

He started to crawl off the bed. "Cause were going swimming. Get ready." Geoff said, throwing a beach towel at me.

I groaned once again and swung my short legs over the side of the bed. I walked to my suitcase and dug through to find a bathing suit. I found a two piece that was pastel blue and pastel purple with black random lines sprawled out everywhere.  You had the option for it to be strapless by pulling the straps off. 

I walked to the bathroom and closed the door, almost immediately pulling off every single article off my body and replacing it with my bathing suit. 

When I was done, i walked out to see a shirtless Geoff sitting on the bed and a shirtless Jawn sitting on the floor holding a really expensive looking camera.

I tried to be a really quiet closing the bathroom door so I didnt wake up any other sleeping people in the rooms next to ours.

"Eh, im done." I said, grabbing the towel and hugging the towel over my stomach. 

Geoff looked up and saw me, his eyes lighting up. "Okayokayokay." he mumbled, standing up and walking to the door. "Lets go get Awsten and Otto."

Geoff swung open the door and started running down the hall. I stopped the door from hitting the wall and let Jawn walk out before me. 

As I walked out, I quietly shut the door. Following closely behind the two almost grown men running down the hall, i made sure i didnt move the towel from my stomach. 

We finally made it to Dad and Ottos room and all Geoff had to do was hit the door once with his fist and Dad swung the door open. He had his swimming bottoms on and walked out with a towel. Soon Otto followed behind him in the same attire.

We all walked quietly down the hallway, down the stairs, out into the lobby, and out the back double doors. 

Dad grabbed his phone out and started recording Otto. "Were going to swim. We are going to swim we are going to swim. swim.swimswim. we are going to swim." Otto turned around and looked at Dad with a cocked eyebrow. 

He started chuckling and dad then whisper yelled "This is going on vine!!!" I looked over at Dad as we still walked quietly to the pool. I gave him a confused look then shook it off because he is really weird and I know I am going to have to get used to him.

We finally reached the gate to the pool and Otto swung it open. As soon as we walked through the gate, Dad burst into laughter. 

"Bahhahahah!! Look!!" He almost shouted. He held his stomach and pointed in front of us to a sign that read,

"If you have diarrhea, have had diarrhea in the past week, or have a stomach issues, do NOT swim in our pools. Thank you!" 

And underneath the words was a small person bending over like they are taking a dump. Not gonna lie, I let out a little laugh. Okay, maybe I let out a lot of laugh. 

It took a while for dad to calm down, but when he did we walked over to the big pool. Everyone put their towels and stuff on the little lounge chairs and I waited till everyone was jumping in the pool to unwrap my towel from my body. 

I watched as Dad, Jawn, and Otto jumped after each other. But wheres Geoff? 

I turned around to look for him and of course he was directly behind me. So close behind me that my nose swept across his chest. I looked up with distrust in my eyes.

"Hiya!" He said before grabbing me by my waist and running the short distance from where we were standing to the edge of the pool with me in his arms kind of. 

I squealed as he jumped and we hit the water. We sunk to the bottom and he let me go. I immediately floated to the top and soon Geoff followed closely behind.  

"You dipcrap!!" I whined as I punched his arm. He started laughing and I swam to the shallow part so I could stand. I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. "You're an ass." I said as he followed me.

He looked down and back up with a smirk. "I know. I have one too, its pretty great." 

"ThaT IS 0129381274120% TRUE!" Dad yelled from halfway across the pool. I looked over Geoffs shoulder and saw Jawn punch dad in the arm. 

"Be quiet!" Jawn said. 

Otto was off in his own land. He kept going under the water and back up, smoothing his long, curly hair back. Then he started doing laps. 

Geoff poked my shoulder and said, "Try and catch me." He then started to swim off. I rolled my eyes and started to chase after him. He swam under a man made waterfall thing with LED lights glowing from the top. Once he made it behind the falling water, he flicked his head like a dog, making his hair go all crazy. 

I continued to chase after him and soon I made it to the waterfall. I swam under it and came back up, making eye contact with Geoff. He smiled and I went to poke him back but he swam backwards and went under water.

I groaned and went to look for him but he was gone. Suddenly I felt him touch my back and I turned around fast. Once again he was really close to me so my nose rubbed across his bare chest. 

I looked up and smiled. Then something happened. Something that I didnt think would happen. Something that hasnt happened to me before. 

Geoff put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb over the water that was running down my face. He then leaned in a put his lips on mine. I was shocked. Why would he do this. I mean, its not a bad thing. I kind of like it. Like the way our lips perfectly fit together. Its like a puzzle and his lips were the only piece that fit. I smiled and he pulled away. He looked down at me and wiped away more water that was falling from my hair. 

Then there was a voice. "eghehem?" Both Geoff and I turned around.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now