18 {tall, buff, bald guys} 18

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"Hi, we're new at this. How do we do th- Whoa! So many people joined at once." Dad exclaimed, squinting his eyes and moving closer to the phone that was set atop a phone tripod.

 "Well, hello there! We are new at this facebook thing. But we are doing a q&a so send us legitimate answers and we will try our best to answer legitimately." Otto said. He chuckled and Geoff stayed focused on the small screen.

"Will we say your name?" Geoff started but dad cut him off.

"We will NOT say your name, Cassidy!" I laughed and rolled my eyes. From behind the guys I can see the chat going wild. "Who is the chick behind you?" Dad whispered. "Oh! In case you guys didn't know, this his my dog renter. She rents peoples dogs that come to the shows and she steals them from the owners and lets me play with them. Shes pretty cool." I stood up and walked over to him.

I laughed. "That's not true." Geoff said. I wrapped my arms around Dad's neck from behind and leaned against him. "Awsten is becoming and old man and adopted children. Shit, that sounded wrong." Geoff went silent for a second. "Never mind." We laughed and they continued to answer questions.

"How much longer is warped tour? Um, I think we have five more states and each state is about two shows. So probably two more weeks?" Otto said questioningly. Geoff nodded. 

I got off of Dad's back and started to walk to the door. "Where you going?" he asked. Geoff and Otto continued to read the questions. 

"Oh, I was going to go to Jawn." I said, pointing back to the doorway with my thumb. He made and 'oh' face and turned back around. I smiled and walked out. I walked down some really long hallway until I bumped into a large body.

"Shit, I'm sorry." I said, looking up. It was a tall buff man with a black and yellow shirt on. 

"What are you doing back here?" He asked, his voice all deep and echoing in the small hall. 

I started to get nervous. My hands started to sweat. "Oh, uh. I was with my d-dad and his band ma-mates." I stuttered. He gave me an untrustworthy look. "Uh, Awsten, Geoff, and Otto." 

He smirked and rolled his eyes. He grabbed my arm and started to pull me down the hallway. "That's what they all say." 

I stayed quiet and didn't struggle. I haven't been in a situation like this before so freaking out on the outside probably wouldn't be the best thing to do. He pulled me into a small room and sat me down on a chair.

"I will call up their manager and ask him to bring up your "dad". If he doesn't know who you are, you're banned from ever coming back. Sneaking around places you aren't supposed to be in is NOT allowed. Do you understand?" His deep voice stabbed my ears and I wanted to cover them. It was something about his voice that hurt. 

He sat at a desk and picked up a phone. "What band is it?" He asked as he held the beeping phone in his hand. He spoke in a rude kind of tone. 

"Waterparks, I believe." I said, bringing my legs up on the chair and pulling them to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs and I started to tear up.

He pulled a small stapled pile of papers out of the desk drawer and started to flip through the pages. I watched as his finger ran over the words as the read them. His finger stopped on one set of words and he started to press the buttons on the phone.

The man leaned back in his office chair and waiting for the person on the other line to pick up. "Hey, is this Zakk?...Okay, I need you to send," he looked down at the paper again. "Awsten, Otto, and Geoff to the front office?..Okay...Yes... Thank you, have a nice day." 

He put the phone back down and turned around in the chair to look at me. He squinted his eyes and folded his hands in his lap, his left leg up on his right knee. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. The man waved for the person to come in. I looked up and Dad was standing at the door with Geoff and Otto behind him. He did notice me yet. 

"Hi! Whats u- Ariel? What are you doing here?" He asked me. He gave me a somewhat disappointed slash sad look. 

"This young lady claims to be one of your guy's daughter." The man said, still with his hands in his lap. 

Dad walked over to me and grabbed my arm, gently. "Yeah, shes my daughter. What did she do?" The man looked at me as Dad stood me up. He gave me a sympathetic look while Dad looked down at me and gave me an almost angry look.

"Don't get upset. She was wandering the halls. I didn't know if she was a fan that wandered in here or got lost? I'm sorry, kid, for getting mad." He said. Dad looked back down at me and pulled me into his side. He gave me a side hug and my face was squished into his rib cage. 

"Thank you, sir." Dad said. The man held his hand out for Dad to shake and he gladly took it. They shook hands and we walked out into the hallway. Geoff and Otto must have already gone back to the room because they were nowhere to be seen. 

"I'm sorry. I thought you got in trouble." Dad said, he held me close to him as we walked down the hall to the room again.

I sniffled. "I was just trying to find Jawn. I don't like really tall, buff, bald guys anymore." I said softly as we walked through the door to the dressing room. Dad chuckled. I yawned and rubbed my tired eyes.

"Hey, if you're tired, go lay down on the couch. We have about five hours left until the day is over." Dad said, placing his hand on my mid back and pushed me over to the white couch. I sat down and rubbed my eyes again. 

He turned around and walked away. I looked around the room and observed it before I laid down. Everyone was on their phones. I decided to close my eyes, but I didn't fall asleep right away. I felt like everyone in the room was watching.

Dad mentioned something about going to do meet and greets. They left the room and that's when sleep took over.

We're Not Sleeping, We're Just Dreaming {Geoff Wigington/Waterparks}Where stories live. Discover now