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"Middle School is such a drag ain't it guys?"

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"Middle School is such a drag ain't it guys?"

"Yeah we should totally ditch!"  James said, of course he did.

We were sitting out by the side of the campus. It was nice there, their wasn't much to look at besides the beautiful nature. Were not supposed to be on this side of campus but it was Monday and it was our trio time together. 

"No way dude! It would be to obvious if we left campus right now." As always Nova the more reasonable one from the trio pointed out. 

"If we left where would we even go? It's not like we drive or have any money on us to actually go anywhere." I pointed out.

"Okay, okay but speak for yourself. You know my mom just got me a credit card!"

"James that's for an emergency! She's gonna kill you if you start spending money on unimportant stupid things."

"We need to eat right? So as I see it is very important that her poor little baby and his two best friends get something to eat." He laughs.


"Come on lets go to class." I tell them.

"So were not ditching?"

"James!!" Nova and I say.


James, Nova and I are known as the trio. If I'm honest with myself I probably wouldn't even be friends with these two if it wasn't for our parents being best friends. That's how we met.

 We would have these little play dates with each other when we were younger. They're considered "popular" because they're both in football. I'm in Volleyball so I'm not completely friendless or unknown here. We all have friends besides each other obviously and sometimes our groups will join each other in our spots at school. We do however just hang out just the three of us every Monday's and Friday's. We are almost always together though, when were not practicing for football or volleyball. 

The reason I say we probably wouldn't be friends is because they're both really good looking. If they auditioned to be models they would make it no doubt. I would most likely be casted as Ugly Betty however. I'm not saying I'm ugly or I'm self conscious about myself but I could put in some effort more often. Betty ends up being amazingly beautiful at the end anyways. 

School is finally over and we all walk to my house like we do almost everyday. We spend an hour together doing "homework" but really we play video games, go for a swim or just talk. Then their parents come and pick them up from my house and I actually start on my homework. 

 When it's finally time for bed and 8:03 hits we call each other at that exact time. We three way and tell each other goodnight. This has been the routine since fourth grade when we bonded our friendship with the elastic bracelet we bought when we went to venice beach off some stand on our way out. We have been called the trio ever since. I believe our friendship will last. I don't know what I would do with out these two goofballs and I hope to never find out.

 I don't know what I would do with out these two goofballs and I hope to never find out

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