24. Sleep over

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The O'riens practically beg me to sleep over and mama even offers to call my mom to ask for permission to stay the night. It is Saturday but tomorrow I'm going to have some serious homework to do. Mama calls my mom and they end up talking for an hour. We go to there play room downstairs and play some air hockey. Andy and I finally get away from there after the first game is over as the boys go for a round two. We sit on the car racing chairs and race each other. He finally tells me what I've been dreading to hear all day.

 He finally tells me what I've been dreading to hear all day

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"So what did you tell him?"

"I told him that I like someone else and that I love him but just not in that way. I told him he will find his dream girl someday and not to shut me out."


"I know."

"I know he will find that girl someday and maybe if I wasn't already into someone else, I would give him a chance but I am and it wouldn't be fair to any of us if I gave him a chance right now knowing in my heart right now that I can't see a future with him."

"His girl is somewhere out there he just needs to find her." he admits.

"Your right!" I yell as I throw him of the racetrack and get to first place beating him on the game.

"I win" I yell.

"You, cheater!"

"Cheater! Me how can I possibly cheat on this game!"

"yeah, yeah well you did somehow." he tells me.

Michael comes out of nowhere and asks to race me I smile because he's not ignoring me like I thought he would and yell at Andy to switch places with him so he can be in the middle.

We race again and I win again. Its already ten and I'm tired. The little ones are already in bed but Michael gets a phone call and tells Andy and I if were down to go to the lake about 5 miles away from there house.

"I don't know I'm already tired and gonna have so much homework tomorrow."

"Yeah bro I'm tired to."

"Oh it's okay we don't have to go."

"You should go I tell him; you never know who you might meet?" I wink at him and He smiles back. Andy looks at us surprised by how we are acting completely fine if not better with each other and is pleased.

"Yeah, okay I will." Michael says.

"Okay but if you drink call us and we will pick you up." I assure him.

"What! Andy says.
"Shush! Andy we will if we have to."

"Ok, I will." Michael assures me.

I hug him and tell him to be safe and to call me or his brother if he needs a ride back.

"So are you going to sleep on my bed or in a guest room?"

"I wanna sleep on that big bean bag chair that you have!"

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