Chapter 2

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I jump and my car and take off. Luckily I've gone to this house a million times and can drive in a blind rage.

Only, driving in a blind rage is a really stupid mistake, no matter how safe you think you can be. When you're distracted you miss things.

You miss things like other cars.

When you miss other cars, the ending has half a chance of not working out.

When it does work, your heart picks up and you vow to always be safer so it never feels that way again.

When it doesn't work, you end up flipping your car and hanging upside down, the seat belt trying to hold you in, but your forehead already made contact with the window. You end up with blood dripping from places you can't identify. And that's only if you have time to even think before you pass out from the pain.

At least that's how it was for me.

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