5. The Date

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(Eve's POV)

         I never told mom about what really happened that night. All I said was that I fell when I was playing on the swings. Well today is a new day and I should just forget about yesterday it will be best for all of us. I mentally slap myself; that's right I have a date with Raven tonight I should cheer up! I hop in the shower and clean myself off; I quickly put on my blue summer dress, and applied some makeup.

"Honey can I come in?" My mom calls.

"Alright!" She opens the door and smiles widely.

"You look nice sweet heart! How about some more jewelry oh and-"

"Mom like I said before it's just a friend date." I inform her. And right on queue the doorbell rings; my mom squeals while butterflies start to flutter around my stomach.

"I'll get it!" She runs downstairs while I do a last minute check of myself in the mirror. I take a deep breath in, and I grab my purse; I hurry downstairs. I blush as I see Raven at the front door. I can feel my heart pounding against my chest; why is my heart beating like this?! Did I forget to take my pills?! What if I die on this date?!

"There you are come down sweet heart!" My mom chirps. I nervously walk down still paranoid about my heart's condition.

"H-hi." I say nervously.                                                         

"Hey you look . . . wonderful." My heart beat grows faster.

"You look great too." He wore a simple navy blue sweater with jeans. Sure he looks simple but he still looks great; what the heck am I thinking?!

"I'll meet you at the car." I nod I put on my flats. My mom pats me on the back.

"Relax honey remember this is just a friend date." I nod.

"Mom my heart's beating quite fast; should we get it checked tomorrow?" Mom giggles.

"You're so cute! No you're not going to die its normal now have a blast alright?" I smile and head out. Raven opens the door for me as I approach his car. 

"So where are we going?"

"Out for dinner and then a movie." He replies. We sat in comfortable silence. I decided to daydream for the rest of the ride to kill time.

"We're here!" I snap out of my thoughts. "Hope you like eating Sushi!"

"I love sushi!"

 We ended up ordering a truck load of sushi. Okay not truck load but we did order a whole lot of sushi.

"Ew I don't think that's possible!" I comment.

"I bet it's true! I'm sure if you laugh hard enough while eating sushi it WILL come out of your nose!" Raven laughs.

"Okay if your sushi theory is true; what will you do with the sushi that comes out of your nose?"

"Eat it." He replies.

"That's disgusting! There'll be boogers and-" Raven puts one figure on my lips.

"Say that any louder will you? There all other people eating too." I look over to the little kids that currently have their jaws dropped open. Their parents looking at me like I belong in a mental ward.

"Sorry." I say in a quiet voice. Raven smirks at me while I look down in shame.

"Movie time." I nod.

"I'll pay it's all on me tonight."

"No I'll pay for the movies!" I demand.


"No buts I don't like other people paying for me." I announce proudly. Raven nods and heads to the cashier to pay. I quickly gulp down the rest of my water while I wait.

"Hi slut." I glare at the one person who would call me that.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to eat." Elsword smirks at me.

"No duh Sherlock!"

"Hey Elsword what's up?" Raven joins in.

"Just here to eat." He replies politely.

"Well we're off to the movies cya man."


I look back and stick my tongue out at him like a child. The ride to the theater wasn't long, but the only problem was what movie we were going to watch. "No please don't." I beg.

"Come on scary movies are fun!"

"No." I pout.

"Don't be a party pooper."

"I will poop at parties if I want to!" Stupid answer! "Just please no scary movies tonight!" I put on my best puppy dog face.

"Fine lets watch Despicable Me2 then." He sighs in defeat. I fist pump as I go pay for the tickets.

The movie was good and I really enjoyed the romantic parts; while Raven was ready to fall asleep. Boys, I'll never understand them. As we walk out a piercing cold breeze brushes past me; why didn't I bring a jacket?! 

"Here take this." Raven takes off his sweater and wraps it around my freezing body.

"But you'll be cold." I examine is plain  white T-shirt.

"It's fine besides what kind of friend would I be if I just let you freeze to death." I smile at him. The ride back was also filled with comfortable silence. Before I knew it we were back at my place.

"Thank you for everything I had fun." I reply honestly.

"Glad you liked it."

"Here." I hand his sweater back. "And goodnight." I chime.

"Wait." Before I could ask what he leans in and kisses me on the cheek; my face starts to burn up and I swear if it keeps on getting warmer I will burn his lips! "Night princess."

"B-bye." I say awkwardly as I get out of the car.

I walk up to my front door with my mom greeting me. "I'm guessing it went well."

"Yes!" I squeal. "I'll be upstairs if you need me!"

I skip upstairs ignoring my shortening of breaths. I change into my PJs and smile widely as I replay the 'date' in my head. It's been so long since I felt this happy! I keep my cheesy grin on as I fall into slumber.

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