36: Return

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Wow I still can't believe I actually wrote this chapter (writer's block)! Well hopefully this will be able to live up to y'alls expectations!

Haha random note, it's sure fun to write while grandparents are arguing downstairs. xP

(??? POV)

It feels like my head is lost in an endless world of clouds. I've lost track of time, day and night all appears the same for me - this world is an endless void of emptiness. I wonder how long I've been stuck in this trance, days? Weeks? Months? Maybe even years.

From time to time I would have sudden flashbacks of past events, it makes me sad that I won't be able to make any more memories. Some flashbacks will have me feeling warm and happy - they usually keep me busy for a long time. While other memories cause me to wince in pain - I can still feel the pain of glass shattering onto my skull. Revisiting memories is how I usually spend my time, nothing particularly new happens anyways.

Today is unlike any other day. While I was recalling a warm childhood memory I felt a sharp pinch on my arm - I sometimes forget I even have a body. I was quiet surprised at the pain, it has been so long since I've felt anything from the outside world. But it isn't the pain that surprised me the most, what astonished me was the faint voices around me.

I couldn't hear what exactly they were saying, but I knew they were there and real. Does this mean I'll be able to escape this void and nothingness? I wonder how much time has passed outside, and if anyone will remember me.

These questions nag at me loudly as the faint voices slowly fade away. Once again I am left alone in this strange world.

(Eve's POV)

I scan myself from head to toe in the bathroom mirror. My stomach twisting into knots as each second brings me closer to the moment I dread the most. Today I'm returning back to school, and I feel like a little girl preparing for her very first day at elementary.

It's been a very long time since I've step foot into that school, and I'm very concerned about how today will go. Will the people there laugh at me for being hit? Or will they scold me for surviving? I wonder how much people know about the incident, and most importantly I wonder if I'll bump into Add. I'm worried about how things will turn out - I wonder how things will unfold if we meet.

In addition to all my worries, today happens to be the day where Elsword and I announce our status to everyone. Even though it'll be announced first thing to our friends I can't help but feel incredibly nervous.

"Eve, you've been staring in the mirror for a very long time," my mom's sudden appearance nearly gives me a heart attack. "Are you okay honey?"

I quickly regain my posture and reply," yes, I'm just a bit nervous for school."

My mom smiles sweetly," honey you'll be fine." She reassures me confidently. "You'll be able to catch up to your classes thanks to all the tutoring you've been given, and you look great today!"

Too bad it isn't just the work I'm worried about. Forcing on a smile I nod, "thanks mom."

"Now hurry up and eat, Elsword will be here soon!"

Giving myself one last look in the mirror I hurry downstairs for some food. For once I didn't feel like eating, my dad gave me funny looks as I played around with my bowl of cereal. My appetite doesn't work well when I'm very nervous. I barely noticed the door bell chiming until my mom went to answer it.

"Good morning!" A cheerful Elsword greets while walking into the kitchen. "Are you done eating yet?" He asks as he rests a hand on my shoulder.

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