13. The Sister's Return pt2

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(Eve's POV)          

       Seeing Elsword break down like that hurt me in many different ways. Maybe it's because he's my best friend, but whatever the reason is, his pain makes me want to cry with him, because it hurts me too. After a few minutes of him crying on me, we went in his house, and sat in awkward silence as we wait for more information on his sister. I fidget with my fingers trying to think of something to say.

"You want something to drink?" Elsword asks. I simply nod. He walks off leaving me in the lonely living room, he returns shortly after with two water bottles. "Is water okay with you?" I nod once again. He hands me my water, I quickly unscrew the cap and gulped down half the bottle. We remain in awkward silence.

Why are you so quiet?" He asks. I nervously look at him.

"I don't know what to say." I reply dumbly. He sighs and wraps his arm around me.

"You don't need to say anything, just stay with me alright?" I nod and lean on his shoulder. I wish I knew what to say but my brain refuses to think of anything. I feel so useless!

"Okay, okay I'll be there soon!" I hear Elsword's mom approaching.

"Mom did you find out what hospital-"

"Yes, it's the one in downtown." She quickly slips on her jacket. Elsword and I quickly got up. He quickly slipped on his leather jacket and we headed to the garage.

"Eve honey, do your parents know you're coming?"

"I guess I should call them." I did bolt out of the house without saying a word. Mom must be freaking out by now. "I'll call them now." I quickly got in the back seat and turned on my phone, Elsword sat beside me, and Camilla quickly turned on the car. I dialed back to home, and bobbed my knee up and down as I wait for an answerer.

"Hello?" Finally!

"Dad, it's me Eve."

"Eve honey where are you? Your mom was scared because you just bolted out of the house." Oops . . .

"Um I'm with Elsword and his mom; we're heading to the hospital to see Elesis." I hear my dad sigh. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, we're sort of already on our way there."

"Okay take care of yourself and be good." My dad says in a calm tone. "Bye sweetie."

"Bye, love you." I hang up, and sigh of relief. I was sure my dad would get mad at me. I stare out the window, looking at the sky. I wonder what happens when someone dies, do they get reborn or do they go to heaven? What would heaven be like? I shake those thoughts out of my head, I shouldn't be thinking of that! Elesis will be fine!

"Stupid traffic lights!" Camilla screams at the red light. I flinch at her sudden outburst. "Sorry about that Eve." Elsword wraps his arm around me.

"It's okay she's just a little stressed." He explains. I lean on his shoulder and doze off for the rest of the ride. Every second that passed by feels like Elesis is getting closer to death. Shut up brain not going to happen . . . hopefully.

 "We're here." Elsword announces. I snap out of my thoughts and examine the big building in front of us. Dozens of ambulances were in the area and a few police cars here and there. We quickly got out of the car and rushed in, a strong medicine smell filled my nostrils. We stood in line for the counter, gah I hate waiting in line! At the corner of my eye I see a familiar blonde doctor walking by.

"Ariel!" I blurt out. The doctor waves at me and heads over to us.

"Do you know her?" Elsword whispers.

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