37. Preperations part 1

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(Eve's POV)

Senior prom was the only reason why everyone was getting so hyped for the past few weeks. Everywhere I go I would see couples making out in the hallway - probably to brag about their partner for the big school event. Needless to say Rena was pretty excited for prom. For the past week, while I was busy worrying about university and tests, she was worried about dresses and makeup. I don't see the point in prom. It's just another excuse for people to waste their money on something that will probably be only worn once, and well make out in public.

"I need the perfect dress for that perfect night," Rena continues to ramble on. She's been at it all through lunch now, I'm surprised no one is annoyed at this point. "Makeup is a must, but what hairstyle should I do?"

"It's funny how you're so excited for prom, and yet you have no one to go with." Chung snickers.

"So? It's still a once in a life time opportunity!" Rena snaps. "I want to look my best for prom, maybe I'll even score a nice dance with a hot guy!"

Something flashes in Chung's eyes in return, he almost appears to be hurt by Rena's comment. He quickly regains his posture before anyone else can notice," I'm just going for the food." He states matter-of-factly. "I heard there's going to be some pretty good food."

"Eve and Aisha are so lucky! They actually have someone to go with." Ara pipes in.

Normally I wouldn't be bothered by such a comment, but after my little talk with Elesis I'm having doubts about Elsword and I.

Was bringing our friendship to a whole new level worth it? Was it ever meant to last? What about everyone else? Will we break away from each other after graduation? Are we ever going to talk to each other again? There's just so many questions and yet no answer. We've all come so far, but is this truly the end?

I often ponder on these thoughts now, and it makes me sad each time. Of course I don't tell anyone about them, the last thing I want is for them to become saddened by these possibilities.

"Earth to Eve!" Aisha's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "You okay? You kinda spaced out on us."

Good job, now they'll start asking questions," oh I'm fine." I reply with a shrug. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all." Just stay calm and they'll stop asking - hopefully.

"Are you over-working yourself?" Elsword asks worriedly. "You should relax a bit, health comes first before anything else."

"Yes, mother." I roll my eyes. "I'm fine, so relax." I peck him on the cheek.

Elsword wraps his arms around me," alright, just remember you can always call me when things get too crazy." He pulls me close to him - my heart leaps with joy in return.

Chung fake gags," can we go one day without the whole hugging and kissing scenario?" He frowns. "There are people trying to eat here."

Raven smirks while pulling Aisha towards him," it's okay to be alone." He gives Aisha a quick peck on the lips. "Look on the bright side, your mom still loves you."

Chung raises his brow," you're real funny."

The group breaks out in laughter. For once in my life I decide to turn off all my thoughts. These are the moments I should cherish, and I shouldn't allow my paranoid thoughts to ruin them. We may never share moments like these in the future, so when I look back I can truly smile at the good times.


I was welcomed with a tight hug from my mom when I returned home. At first I thought something bad happened, mom doesn't usually hug me right when I return home. Instead of bad news I am welcomed with a neatly folded letter. I can feel my heart beat quickening as I gingerly unfold the paper.

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