35. First and Worst Date?

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Well school finally started for me...I really could use another month of summer, who knew high school was so boring? Anywho if you haven't voted for the poll I have up please do so soon (only if you want to)! We have a major tie between 4 pairings at the moment, and I'm really hoping for some kind of tie breaker. This is going to be somewhat short since I had some trouble figuring out how to word everything.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!

(Eve's POV)

Home, I can finally go home! I can still remember my mom squealing in excitement once Ariel broke the news to us. My dad insisted on inviting Ariel out to dinner some time, as a way of saying thanks for all the help - I agree with his plan.

I'm sure you're wondering how me and Elsword are doing, well I'm glad to announce we are officially together - well besides the fact that our relationship is a secret. Elsword insisted on keeping this a secret until I return back home, he said it'll be more exciting for the others. I wasn't very fond of the idea at first, but after a small debate I decided to follow along in the plan. Afterall I'm sure Rena and Aisha would go crazy at the unexpected news.

I texted all my friends right after the big news, needless to say they're all excited for my return back. Rena insisted on taking me out for dinner while Aisha suggested an all girls sleep over. I personally can't wait to see my friends again, it's been forever since we've hung out - well besides hospital visits.

Things are finally returning back to normal around here, but one thing still bothers me. What happened to Add? I asked Raven about this before and he simply said he's back and nothing else. Everyone else I asked gave a similar response, and nothing more. Not knowing about where or how he is bothers me - I really hope I won't randomly run into him.

My dad came to drive me home this afternoon, and my mom got off work early to accompany him. To say I was happy is an understatement.

"Careful on the way in," my mom holds on to my arm tightly, as if I'll break like glass without her.

"I'm fine mom," I send her a confident smile. "Ariel and my friends helped me up on my feet again."

My dad ruffles my hair from behind," just take it easy for a few days." He insisted. "You're still pretty weak."

"I'm fine, dad, really I am." I slip out of my mom's grasp and stand firmly on the ground - with hands on my hips. "I feel better than ever, and I'm certainly ready for school again!"

"I agree with your father," my mom pipes in. "You need to rest for a bit, at least take a break tomorrow. I'm sure your teachers will understand."

"Can I please go back to school?" I practically kneel down to beg. "I need to catch up on lot's of tests and projects! It's also been forever since I've hung out with my friends!"

My dad raises his eyebrow," aren't kids supposed to be happy about missing school?" He questions.

"Not when graduation is at stake," I defend. "Please, can I please go back to school tomorrow?"

My mom sighs at my stubbornness," very well, but you must return home if you feel even the slightest bit off!"

I instantly pull my mom into a tight hug," thanks mom, this means a lot to me!"

"I'm not sure about this, Daisy." My dad shakes his head in disapproval. "Ariel said we needed to keep an eye on her."

"Her friends will keep an eye on things when we can't." My mom reasons. "Just stay safe, alright honey?"

"Of course! I'm going to get uh some rest now."

"Okay call me if you need anything."

With a quick nod I hurry up to my room. Closing the door behind me, I swiftly change into my pajamas and flop onto my cloud-like bed. After sleeping on a hospital bed for weeks you begin to grow more fond of your own bed. I can already feel myself falling into the land of sleep as I curl up under my blankets.

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