27. The Call

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Sorry for no new chapter last week, I was attending a wake a thon and it left me dead tired. Anywho thank you all my lovebirds on both fanfic.net and wattpad for following, voting, and reading this story, you guys are amazing :)

Wattpad app is really bein stupid lately, first it delets my whole library and now one chapter won't upload. Works fine on the comp, but the app is just poopy :/

(Elsword's POV)

"It's so sweet how Add treats Eve so kindly!" Ara awes at the shipping.

"Yeah sweet." I grumble bitterly.

"I say they make a cute couple!" Ara points out. Her opinion almost made me choke on my own spit.

I shrug and said," yeah but that'll never happen."

"You never know." Ara says with a wink. "Well I need to go early today, my mom's picking me up early and I don't want her to wait. Remember to tell me if you're going to come tonight, I'll be waiting for your response."

I was about to object but she pecked me on the cheek and ran off before I could say anything. I sigh in defeat and head to my locker to pack up.

I still can't believe that Eve thinks of Add as her good friend, she just met that guy and they act like they've known each other for years. I don't really mind Add and Eve being friends but I can clearly tell that Add wants more; that reason alone makes me want to smack that boy in the face.

"What's with that long face?" Raven asks from behind me.

"Nothing." I grumble.

Raven smirks at my answer and shakes his head," first it was Eve who was jealous, looks like it's finally your turn."

"Wait me jealous?!" I scream. "Aw heck no, why should I be jealous-- wait what do you mean first it was Eve who was jealous?"

Raven punches my arm and walks away, he glanced back at me with that same smirk printed on his face.

Well that's not strange at all; hear my sarcasm.

I ignore his strange actions and continue gather my stuff up.

Watching Add getting all comfortable with Eve throughout the day is painful. I'm glad the day is over with, but Add can still easily hang out with Eve even when they're not in school; why does Add have to be Eve's neighbour? Why couldn't I live beside her? We live in a cruel, cruel world.

"Hey Els!" Eve chimes happily beside me. I smile at her, while sending a quick glare at Add.

"Hey Eve, I'm almost done getting ready." I explain while clumsily grabbing for my math text book. The text book slips out of my grasp, Eve quickly extends her arm out to grab the book before it could hit the ground.

She smiles and hands the book back to me," I never knew you were clumsy." She joked.

"Oh shut up." I joke back.

"We should get going now." Add pipes in. "My mom was worried I'd get lost on the way to and back from school this morning, I want to head home soon so she won't get too worried."

I mentally roll my eyes at his statement. It is obviously a lie. Knowing this boy it's obvious that he just wants to be alone with Eve.

"Alright we'll go now then." Eve chimed. "Els, are you ready now?"

I zip up my backpack and fling it over my shoulder," yep, let's get going." I reply.

"Let's go then." Add said while walking in between Eve and I.

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