20. Christmas Shopping and Skating

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(Eve's POV)

"Don't ever scare me like that again young lady!" Camilla yelled at her daughter's sleeping body.

"I'm glad she's alive." Rena whispered. We awkwardly stood in the room while Camilla continued to nag at Elesis on how she scared her and what not.

My mind began to replay the horrible scene of when Elsword kissed Ara, my heart ached as the scene played in my head. I know I should just let go of this pathetic crush, but at the moment that idea seems like an impossible thing to do.

"How about you kids go out for a bit of fresh air?" Camilla's question snapped me out of my thoughts. "I'll be out in a minute." No one made a sound; we simply nodded and walked out of the small room.

"It's getting late we should get going." Chung exclaimed as he pulled out his car keys.

"It's not that late." Rena pulled out her phone. "We can stay at least a couple more hours."

"Yeah but your parents will start to get worried." Rena simply sighed of defeat at his remark.

"Well I guess me and Chung will get going now." She sent Elsword a warm smile. "Your sis will be fine, so you should stop worrying about it. Try not to stay up too late, remember we still have school tomorrow."

"Stay strong man." Chung punched him roughly on his shoulder. "Well see you all tomorrow."

"Bye guys." Ara waved. Once they left, we returned to some more awkward silence. You could hear occasional sobbing coming from the room Elesis was in. I guess Camilla didn't want us to see her cry; I wouldn't blame her, it'd be awkward to cry in front of your son's friends.

Raven loudly cleared his voice that got all of our attention. "We shouldn't loiter around here, come on let's go back to the main floor." Again no one said a word; it was as if all of us have been muted. We simply listened to that suggestion and made our way to the elevator. To make things worse we remained in awkward silence, while we were all squished together in a moving metal box. Isn't it just great? Ara began to clear her voice.

"So Elsword . . . does this make us a thing again?" Ara questioned. At the corner of my eye I could see Raven glaring icily at Ara, while Aisha sent me a concerned look. I clenched my teeth as I continued to listen to their conversation.

"I uh . . . I um . . . well uh you see . . ." Elsword stammered. Maybe I haven't completely lost to Ara yet, I mean if Els really did love her he would've said yes already right? But he could just be nervous of admitting it; I'll take my chances with the negative part of the stick.

"So? What is it?" Ara asked desperately. I held on to my breath as I waited for Elsword to answer.

"Um, I don't know?" He replied. The heck is that supposed to mean? "Listen I don't want to decide now." Yes there still might be a chance! There's still hope!

"But you didn't say no!" Ara pointed out. "It could still be a yes!" Remember all that hope I just had? Yeah it just got brutally killed; same goes for the little spark of happiness that came with it. 

"It's not a yes or a no." He protested. "I didn't give you a legitimate answer, so you can't go assuming things."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're just avoiding the topic." Ara said in a teasing voice. "Come on Elsword don't be shy, just say it."

"I'm not avoiding anything."

"Yes, you are." I could just imagine Ara sending Elsword all kinds of flirty looks; this girl has got to control her hormones. Ugh this conversation sickens me; I've got to get out of here before I gag. I was the first one to run out once the large metal doors opened, the others followed out shortly after.

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