Within A Thousand Heart Beats

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The song for this chapter is A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. Best to listen to it near the end of this chapter.

(Rena's POV)

"Are you sure you don't have a fever?" Aisha presses her hand against my forehead. "Your cheeks are awfully red."

"Strange, you looked fine earlier." Elesis comments from one of the closed stalls.

"We can stop by the pharmacy real quick," Eve adds on while changing into her tank top.

I can feel my heart pounding loudly against my rib cage, which makes me wonder if everyone else in the bathroom can hear its softy rhythm.

Hurriedly zipping up my bag I reply," I'm fine." Adding on a small smile to help my act.

Ara raises her brow," you're obviously not fine, no offence but your face looks as red as blood." She points out. "The last thing we need is for you to be running a high fever tonight."

"I'm fine!" I reply almost instantly. Glancing towards the mirrors I give myself a mental nod - a coral colored flannel, skinny jeans, and some sandals are more than enough for tonight. "I-I'll just be waiting outside."

I hurry out of the bathroom, ignoring the hushed voices of my friends behind me. My footsteps echo softly through the abandoned hallway, I can slightly hear the muffled sounds of the music blasting from the gym.

Honestly I don't blame the girls for worrying about me, my whole face is probably coated in a deep shade of red. But how can you blame me? Especially after what happened a little while ago - my face flushes further with each flashback.


I remember it so clearly, shortly after Eve left to dance the girls and I began to grow bored. So while the soft lyrics of Clarity was surrounding the dancing couples Elesis, Ara, and I simply sat around, making up random stories on how each one got together.

"Those two," Elesis points towards the two blondes a few inches beside us. "The girl has just got dumped by what she thought was her soul mate. She began growing very depressed until prince charming came along to help heal her wounds. In the future they're going to live by a beautiful lake with six children."

"Wow," Ara holds up her hands. "Let's calm down there, I don't think we should be discussing about who's going to marry who."

"I don't see what's wrong with that," Elesis shrugs. "You never know who you'll marry."

Being the romance freak that I am, I couldn't help but flush at the thought of marriage. Yes, I clearly know that I'm way too young to think about such a topic, but who can blame a girl?

I'm sure everyone at one point has wondered who they are meant to be with, who'll be treasure to their heart; the one whom you can rightly call yours. Just knowing that special someone is out there, somewhere; waiting for you is truly something worth something to ponder on- heck they could be thinking about you at this very second. I didn't always believe in romance, but some very special lessons and people have made me change my mind about this topic.

"Oh I love this song!" Elesis hops out of her seat, I nearly flinch at the sudden loud music blasting throughout the gym. "Come on let's dance!"

"She sure has lots of energy." Ara giggles, hopping out of her seat, Ara, begins to clumsily follow along with Elesis' awkward dance movements.

I roll my eyes, is it considered being rude if I'm starting to get embarrassed around them? Elesis looks like a complete lunatic while Ara looks like a complete mess - her dancing style anyways.

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